Artificial intelligence has recently advanced tremendously. This is seen in extremely capable chatbots such as ChatGPT. It could be used resourcefully for learning.
Izbor članaka iz Časorisa dostupan je i na srpskom jeziku.
Artificial intelligence has recently advanced tremendously. This is seen in extremely capable chatbots such as ChatGPT. It could be used resourcefully for learning.
Beauty ideals have changed greatly throughout history. Today, especially among youth, beauty ideals are largely determined by the media and social networks.
Writing by hand forces us to mentally concentrate, persevere, and create something of our own. That's why Handwriting Week is all the more special this year.
Managing money is something that follows us throughout our lives. It starts with pocket money when you're young, continues with scholarships in school, and grows into a salary.
Ime Endru Tejt se pojavilo nedavno, ali nisam čuo za njega pre decembra. Već je postao ozloglašen krajem leta kada su društvene mreže počele da mu zatvaraju vrata. Razlog su njegovi ekstremni postovi. Ovo je daleko od...
We all know how important it is to feel safe at school, but too often violence takes us by surprise.
A research team from China has created a small robotic fish that collects microplastics from the water.
Fake news and conspiracy theories are a major threat to democracy and can cause real harm to people. Many people believe in them.
What is the difference between Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia – countries where English is the official language?
While diving in the sea this winter, divers once again noticed fan mussels, also known as noble pen shells, an endemic of the Mediterranean Sea.
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