Pred šolo. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja
Pred šolo. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja

Erasmusovci iz štirih držav na obisku v Sloveniji

Naša šola sodeluje v mednarodnem Erasmus+ projektu Thinking green: Sustainable tourism. Namen projekta je približati mladim trajnostni turizem, kar pomeni, ohraniti naravno in kulturno dediščino, da bosta ostali nespremenjeni še za naslednje generacije. 

Na naši šoli smo v okviru projekta gostili učence in njihove mentorje iz Litve, Nemčije, Španije in Portugalske. Sprejeli smo jih v vseh jezikih. Predstavili smo jim našo državo, mesto in se preizkusili v kvizu. 

Ves teden smo se izobraževali na področju trajnostnega turizma, ogledali smo si Bled, Šobec, Čebelarski muzej, Postojnsko jamo, Predjamski grad ter seveda Ljubljano. 

V mestni hiši so nas toplo sprejeli in nam predavali o razvoju trajnostnega turizma v Ljubljani. V centru smo si ogledali znamenitosti, uživali pa smo tudi v vožnji z ladjico po Ljubljanici. Na Bledu in Ljubljanskem gradu smo posneli spot za himno projekta, ki traja tri leta.

V teh dneh smo se veliko naučili, predvsem nas je presenetilo, kako se slovenske turistične destinacije trudijo biti trajnostno turistično naravnane. Spoznali smo veliko prijetnih, prijaznih in zanimivih ljudi iz štirih držav ter s tem spoznali njihovo kulturo. Veseli smo, da smo jim imeli priložnost prikazati lepoto naše države in doživeti nepozabno izkušnjo. Cel teden smo skrbeli, da se v naši lepi Sloveniji počutijo najlepše. Upamo, da se bodo kdaj v prihodnosti spomnili na nas in se vrnili.

Žana Omerzu, 9. a, OŠ Hinka Smrekarja, Ljubljana

In kako so Slovenijo doživeli Erasmusovci iz tujine? Ker ne znajo slovensko, so se potrudili in svoje vtise strnili v jeziku, ki ga razumejo Erasmusovci iz vse Evrope – angleščini.

V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja
V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja

Team Portugal

Hi, guys!

We are the Portuguese students from the Erasmus+ project and we are going to share our experience in your country, Slovenia.

During this week, we worked in our project but we also had the opportunity to visit some regions of Slovenia like Camp ŠobecRadovljcaČebelarski Center Gorenjske, Bled, Ljubljana center, within others. We found a beautiful nature and we realised that in your country you have many sustainable places. 

Furthermore, we learned a lot about sustainable tourism, we participated in workshops and visited actual places where this type of tourism is practiced. 

During our stay, we found really nice people who treated us kindly, so we truly felt welcomed in Slovenia.

On the other hand, the weather is very different from what we are used to, here it’s too much cold, but we survived 🙂

Besides that, we loved to be here, we learned a lot and we met many amazing people. 

We hope you have the opportunity to have the same experience as us, when visiting Portugal.

Thank you!

V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja
V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja

Team Lithuania

Sveiki, mes esame iš Lietuvos! Our expectations about Slovenia were exceeded. Everyone was so friendly and cared a lot about each and every student. We would like to thank you for your hospitality and being so nice as to buy Tomas new socks when he needed them.

The whole country is so green and eco-friendly, but it doesn’t have a system as to take care of plastic bottles and soda cans. It’s something you could think about and maybe introduce in Slovenia. We learnt so many new ways we could make our own school and even country more sustainable. We’re all looking forward to seeing you in our next meeting in Lithuania.

We never expected to see so many many green attractions and it’s also so mind blowing to know that this was just a tiny portion of what we could experience. Slovenia earned a special place in our hearts. The River Sava let us feel the sting of the mountain river water. Lake Bled along with Predjamski castle gave us the chance to imagine how medieval castles could look in the embrace of mountains. The old town of Ljubljana with the guidance of Sebastjan opened our eyes to the historical importance every single person before us can make. Postojna cave was the highlight of our whole trip. It took our breath away! These draconic caves were so unexpected – who could have imagined that something so miraculous exists under our feet.

The food during all these excursions let us introduce our taste buds to new flavors. The burek will be remembered for a long time.

And finally, we are so grateful for the friends we made during this week. For the laughs and the serious talks, and the stories from their home countries. We can’t wait for you to meet more of our friends so that the laughs echo through all of our hometown Anykščiai.

V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja
V Postojni. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja

Team Spain

Hola somos de España, kaixo Euskal Herrikoak gara.

We really enjoyed our stay in Slovenia and we are very grateful for it. We loved the landscapes and the scenery was stunning. 

We also think that the city centre was full of life thanks to the amazing idea of closing it to the traffic, together with the beautiful buildings and sculptures that form this city.

Something we didn’t like that much, is that although we are inside a “think green” project, we’ve consumed too much plastic, for instance, we think it’d be a great idea to reduce the amount of bottles of water and bring a bottle of your own instead.

Furthermore, we’ve learnt how to get along with people from other countries and cultures apart from learning interesting things about the country, such as bees and caves.

V Radovljici. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja
V Radovljici. Vir: Arhiv OŠ Hinka Smrekarja

Team Germany

During our lovely week in Slovenia, we learned some riveting information such as how Ljubljana is planning to be more sustainable and wants to attract visitors to parts other than just the city center. We also learned how to make a sustainable program for tourists for an affordable price and with their specific interests. The different labels of sustainability were also part of the workshops.

The highlight of the trip (which everyone needs to see) is the Postojna caves and lake Bled. The enormous caves really take your breath away. With its stunning rivers, lakes, and national parks in the Julian Alps, the country is really worth seeing and is a wonderful destination for your next holiday. The people are also really friendly and happy about every visitor.

All in all, Slovenia is a beautiful country that is heading in the right direction if we want to save our planet.


V Časorisu s svojimi zapisi in razmišljanji gostujejo tudi otroci, učitelji, ravnatelji, strokovnjaki in starši.
V prispevkih je zapisano njihovo mnenje, ki ne izraža nujno stališč uredništva.

Vprašanje tedna

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