Teden pisanja z roko 2020. VIr: Arhiv Gimnazije Celje - Center
Teden pisanja z roko 2020. Vir: Arhiv Gimnazije Celje - Center

Your handwriting is unique and unreplicable

Do you ever send postcards while you’re on vacation? How about a holiday card or a birthday card? Has all this been replaced by technology today?

The Grammar School Celje – Center (Gimnaziji Celje – Center) is celebrating Handwriting Week from January 20th to 24th for the fourth year in a row.

The point is to write by hand, which all the activities are coordinated around this week. The goal is to raise awareness among people about the importance of handwriting because many people today do not realize how important it is. 

Everyone has their own handwriting, which is a reflection of their personality. Whether you write in capital letters, italics, illegible, or the most beautiful cursive script, you should be proud of your handwriting because it is unique and unreplicable. 

Writing by hand takes a lot of time, but that’s why “the end product” is so much more valuable. Handwritten messages are much more personal – an expression of respect and affection. If you really dive into your writing, it can even be relaxing or therapeutic. 

Hand writing week 2020. VIr: Archive of the Celje High School - Center
Handwriting Week 2020. Source: Archives of the Gimnaziji Celje – Center

Maybe you have noticed – things you write down by hand are much better remembered than those typed on a phone or computer. Our brain works more complexly when writing by hand thus sparking creativity and maintaining a longer attention span.

As part of bringing awareness to the importance of handwriting, the Grammar School Celje – Center also organizes a calligraphy workshop. You don’t need a lot of talent to do something like this, just a little practice and determination. What you create with calligraphy will definitely be worth your while. 

Making handwriting important starts at home, so the next time you want to wish your loved ones a happy birthday, instead of sending a text message, send a homemade card.

Tamara Korenak, 3rd year, Grammar School Celje – Center


The original version of this article was published on 22nd January, 2020


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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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