Prižig prazničnih lučk v Ljubljani. Foto: Nina Kurnik (www.slovenia.info)
Prižig prazničnih lučk v Ljubljani. Foto: Nina Kurnik (www.slovenia.info)

Woohoo – December is here!

Happy December!

But that’s not all – Slovenes are also visited by three good men – Saint Nicholas (Miklavž), Santa Claus (Božiček), and Grandfather Frost (Dedek Mraz).

Even before we step into this magical season, you have to take care of the proper festive atmosphere!

There is no holiday without lights. Photo: Famveldman/Dreamstime
There is no holiday without lights. Photo: Famveldman/Dreamstime

Of course, lights!

We can’t imagine a festive December without countless lights that decorate city streets, squares, and bridges.

Every year, it never fails – it’s magical to see a gloomy winter city suddenly light up like the brightest star. That’s when Ljubljana comes to life with a very festive atmosphere.

Ljubljana’s lights are special in that every year the lights are designed around a new theme which inspires the design and placement of lights.

The author of this year’s decoration concept is Urban Modic, and the topic is very current. It is entitled They are us and warns us that we can all quickly find ourselves in the position of refugees.

The central element of the decoration is a flying saucer in the middle of Prešeren Square, which represents a peaceful and respectful meeting of different cultures.

The decoration also includes some new luminous sculptures, which are made from recycled elements of past years and parts of old street lights.

Ten Christmas trees will decorate Ljubljana.

Of course, the capital is far from the only place where you can see holiday lights.

Panoramic bike in Maribor. Photo: Andreja Seršen Dobaj/STA
Panoramic Ferris wheel in Maribor. Photo: Andreja Seršen Dobaj/STA

Maribor was lit up already on Thursday, November 30th in the afternoon. The residents of Maribor are excited to have a large festive panoramic Ferris wheel again this year.

In most other Slovenian places, however, you can see the lights turn on over the weekend.


A refugee is someone who is forced to move from their home to another country due to, for example, war or natural disaster.

Points to Consider

  1. How often do you attend the holiday light-up nights? And holiday fairs?
  2. When do you decorate your Christmas tree at home?
  3. Who is your favorite “good man”?


The original version of this article was published on 1st December.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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