Boj za pravice žensk še ni končan. Foto: David Molina/Dreamstime
Boj za pravice žensk še ni končan. Foto: David Molina/Dreamstime

Women’s fight for equality is not over

Dear girls, today is your holiday!

It celebrates women’s economic, political, and social equality.

Women have been workers since the beginning of industrialization, when they were poorly paid and worked in inhumane conditions.

At a rally in New York on February 28th, 1909, women demanded higher pay.

This was the beginning of their fight for the right to vote.

The first celebration took place the very next year. At that time, March 19th was still considered a holiday for all women.

There have been many exceptional women in Slovenia as well – women who were not appreciated enough and whom we still know too little about.

In some places around the world, women are still fighting for the right to vote among other rights.

In Slovenia, women’s inequality is most evident in the economy.

“We find very few of them in leading positions,” warns Mateja Malnar Štembal from the association Ona ve.

Vsakdo je že občutil, kako deluje neenakost spolov v praksi. Že v otroštvu se naše vedenje ocenjuje z različnimi vatli (kaj se spodobi za punce, kaj za fante). Nato se na podlagi teh vzorcev odločamo za kariero in tudi na podlagi teh prepričanj vstopamo v odnose z drugimi, tako da ženske še vedno razumemo kot manj sposoben, manj odločen, ne toliko pameten in razgledan spol, kar je narobe in škodljivo, opisuje Ana Pavlič. Vir: Adobe Stock
Source: Adobe Stock

Women’s rights, such as the right to abortion and contraception, are under attack in many parts of the world. In France the right to abortion was even written into the constitution.

Maybe it’s not always the easiest to be a woman, but it’s beautiful – especially today.

So celebrate with everyone close to you!


Industrialization is the introduction and spread of industrial activity in a certain area.

Glass ceilings are invisible barriers that prevent access to the highest positions in society.

Points to Consider

  1. How do you celebrate March 8th?
  2. Why should women have the same rights as men?
  3. Which other holiday(s) celebrates women?


The original version of this article was published on 8th March.

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je novinarka in mama dveh odraščajočih deklet, ki svoj prosti čas najraje nameni športu. Rada ima sneg, še raje valove, najraje pa pleza nekje v naravi.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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