Med poklici prihodnosti je tudi inženir robotike. Foto: Solarseven/Dreamstime.com
Med poklici prihodnosti je tudi inženir robotike. Foto: Solarseven/Dreamstime.com

Will you be a nanotechnologist or perhaps a digital archaeologist?

Did you know? – What you want to be, you grow up to be.

Choosing an profession is a difficult but important task because it greatly affects our future.

Many young people want to become doctors, teachers, hairdressers, or architects.

Some children, including fifth-graders from the Brusnice Primary School (OŠ Brusnice), are thinking about careers as a data scientist, digital archaeologist, robotics engineer, or nanodoctor.

Do you know about these professions?

These are professions of the future, which will be increasingly sought after. The main thing they all have in common is that they combine different knowledge from related fields.

Maja Juršič, the project manager at My Company, believes that children are already familiar with new professions.

Extracurricular activities and education are especially helpful in this.

Even schools are already aware of certain deficiencies in education for the professions of the future and are trying to fill these gaps.

“The most important thing is that children get to know and learn as many different skills and knowledge as possible, and then they decide which direction they want to go.”

Maja Juršič

Experts say that in the future as many as nine out of ten professions will require sufficient knowledge of digital skills and artificial intelligence (AI).

Those who enjoy working with data and analyzing it can become data scientists or data analysts. These professions are already practiced by some young people in Slovenia.

This video portrays the Slovene company, Result d.o.o. in Ljubljana and explains an occupation as a data scientist.

If you want to become a doctor, you might be interested in nanomedicine. In diagnosis and treatment, they use a special technology called nanotechnology.

If you are interested in culture and history, you can become a digital archaeologist. With the help of new 3D technologies, it tries to preserve cultural and natural objects so that future generations can also admire them.

All robotics enthusiasts can choose a profession in robotics engineering.

Robots will take over many jobs in the future, but people will still be needed to program, maintain, and use them.

Points to Consider

  1. Have you already thought about your future profession?
  2. Which subjects do you enjoy the most at school?
  3. Do you know about any other professions of the future?


The original version of this article was published on February 17th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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