Amiši nimajo osebnih dokumentov, zato ne vemo natančno, koliko jih je. Prav tako ne potujejo po svetu, saj lahko grejo le do krajev, do katerih pridejo s kočijo ali vozom, imenovanim buggy. Foto: Jiawangkun/Dreamstime
Amiši nimajo osebnih dokumentov, zato ne vemo natančno, koliko jih je. Prav tako ne potujejo po svetu, saj lahko grejo le do krajev, do katerih pridejo s kočijo ali vozom, imenovanim buggy. Foto: Jiawangkun/Dreamstime

Who is the secret community that rejects modern life?

Do you ever want to disconnect from the crazy world in which we are saturated with screens and technologies?

Most important to them is religion, family, and the community. They don’t always have a church, so they often pray at home. They are peaceful and oppose wars.

They originate from Europe. But the community ceased to exist there exactly 87 years ago tomorrow.

Most of them live in Pennsylvania and Ohio. They speak a version of German.

You can tell they are Amish by their appearance!

They are modest in all respects, including in the way they dress. Their clothes should be simple and dark, even without zippers and buttons because they are considered “unnecessary decoration.”

Women take care of the home and family, while men go to work and bring money to the family. Couples don’t get divorced.

The Amish work with agriculture and crafts. They try to grow as much food as possible themselves.

The rules they follow vary from county to county where they live.

The rules of each Amish community, and how strict, are determined by the individual community’s Christian religious leader, often called a bishop.

They are often less strict in cases where the economy or their jobs are concerned. In these cases, some technology is utilized.

Amish school. Photo: Lei Xu/Dreamstime
Amish school. Photo: Lei Xu/Dreamstime

They have their own schools in the community. Children go to school until they are 14 years old. There they learn basic knowledge, and a great emphasis is placed on religion. Then they start working at home and on the farm.

Around 16 to 18 years old, they are permitted to take a year away – outside the Amish community. This is called Rumspringa. At this time they can try living a modern life – including driving, social media, and dating.

Those who do not choose to return are shunned from the community.

Points to Consider

  1. Which of their habits do you like the most?
  2. Is there anything unusual for you?
  3. What would you do without electricity?


The original version of this article was published on 16th January.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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