Digitalna znanja ti lahko pomagajo pri učenju. Vir: Adobe Stock
Digitalna znanja ti lahko pomagajo pri učenju. Vir: Adobe Stock

Which digital skills are important for children?

Digital skills are becoming more important every day – for working at home, at school, or on the job.

The quality of life for the majority of the world’s population would be worse without basic digital knowledge.

Therefore, access to digital technology and the digital skills needed to utilize all of the possibilities technology offers are important.

The ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 takes place between May 13 and 31. It is a European campaign; in Slovenia, it is organized by Simbioza. During this event, Europeans learn about the importance of digital skills. Among them are:

  • digital media literacy and misinformation,
  • cyber security and a safer internet, and
  • digital skills for the environment and sustainability.

Teachers in some elementary schools in Slovenia are already using digital technology, thus strengthening students’ digital skills.

Among them is Časoris’  Tršica Nina.

The use of technology in lessons does not mean, says Nina Jelen, that children spend most of their time on devices. This is just one part of everything they do in school.

Za digitalne veščine je vedno več zanimanja. Foto: Monkey Business Images/Dreamstime
A digital tablet can be a good learning tool. Foto: Monkey Business Images/Dreamstime

Ana Pleško, director of Simbioza Genesis, also agrees that elementary school students need more key digital competencies.

There is also an understanding of the concept of digital citizenship, which, as she says, mainly refers to the awareness of the importance of personal data protection.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you use digital technology at school?
  2. Where are you learning your digital skills?
  3. Can you name some of the dangers of digital technology?


The original version of this article was published on 24th May.

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je novinarka in mama dveh odraščajočih deklet, ki svoj prosti čas najraje nameni športu. Rada ima sneg, še raje valove, najraje pa pleza nekje v naravi.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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