Španija je včeraj državljanom obljubila deset milijard evrov pomoči za obnovo po najhujših poplavah, ki so jo prizadejale v zadnjih 30 letih. Vir: Profimedia
Španija po poplavah. Vir: Profimedia

What marked the world in the past year?

Wars and floods have hit the world the hardest in the past year.

During this time, more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed, including 16,000 children. Many others were injured. Additionally, many lost their parents and homes.

There is also no end in sight for the war in Ukraine. Fighting continues, and peace efforts have been unsuccessful.

Afghan girls can only attend school until the age of 12. Source: Pixabay
Afghan girls can only attend school until the age of 12. Source: Pixabay

In Afghanistan the Taliban have added to the long list of prohibitions for women: they are not allowed to speak in public.

This means that Afghan women no longer have the fundamental human right of freedom of expression.

Elections were held in eighty countries. The most notable being Donald Trump’s victory in the United States. He will be sworn in as president in January.

Vladimir Putin won the Russian presidential election again.

The world is facing an increasing number of extreme weather events.

  • In September severe floods hit Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania.
  • 26 people died in the October floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • In November Spain was hit by the worst floods in 30 years. More than two hundred people died and the damage was vast.

The World Meteorological Organization predicts that the period between 2015 and 2024 will be the warmest decade on record.

The consequences are melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and warming oceans

Points to Consider

  1. Which event do you remember the most?
  2. Did you miss any of the 2024 news?
  3. Is there not enough good news?


The original version of this article was published on December 31st.

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Dobnikar Šeruga rada potuje po vsem svetu. Spoznava nove kraje in ljudi in se vedno znova razveseli spoznanja, da smo prebivalci tega planeta zelo različni in vendar povsem enaki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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