Predsednik Gibanja Svoboda Robert Golob, predsednica SD Tanja Fajon in koordinator Levice Luka Mesec si vlado želijo sestaviti do 3. junija. Foto: Vycheslav Leskovskiy/Dreamstime
Predsednik Gibanja Svoboda Robert Golob, predsednica SD Tanja Fajon in koordinator Levice Luka Mesec si vlado želijo sestaviti do 3. junija. Foto: Vycheslav Leskovskiy/Dreamstime

What do we already know about the future government?

Almost two weeks have passed since the elections and soon after the results were known, negotiations on a new government began between the parties.

The president of the winning Freedom Movement party, Robert Golob, has announced that it will be assembled in record time.

This means that he intends to put it together even faster than Lojze Peterle managed in 1990 it took him just 34 days.

Who will participate in Golob’s government?

In addition to the Freedom Movement, the SDS, NSi, SD and Levica also joined the National Assembly, but only the last two parties were invited to the negotiations.

Three ministerial posts are expected to be won by Levica, four by the SD, and all others by the Freedom Movement. It is not yet known what the final number of ministries will be, but we already know that there will be more than there are now.

Predsednik Gibanja Svoboda Robert Golob. Foto: Nebojša Tejić/STA
Robert Golob. Foto: Nebojša Tejić/STA

Some will probably be reorganized and four new ones opened, Golob said after a coalition coordination meeting.

I am convinced that we are living in a time when we will have to start implementing change, because time is pushing us to do so. But you can’t make changes in politics without investing in it.

Robert Golob

He pointed out that his government would pay special attention to climate policy, intergenerational solidarity, digitalization and regional development.

Dva logotipa in disclaimer Erasmus+

We will find out on Wednesday which ministries will get which party. At that time, it will also be known who the candidates for leading them are.

Points To Consider

  1. Is a government more efficient if it has more or fewer ministries?
  2. Which parts of Slovenia are less developed?
  3. Who was the Prime Minister of Slovenia in the past?


The original version of this article was published on May 7th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.

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