Katera pa je tvoja najljubša sladica, ki ti popestri branje? Foto: Chernetskaya/Dreamstime
Katera pa je tvoja najljubša sladica, ki ti popestri branje? Foto: Chernetskaya/Dreamstime

What do books and pancakes have in common?

The Konzorcij bookstore in Ljubljana presented novelties from Slovenian children’s fiction yesterday.

Among them were picture books, poetry collections, and a story based on a Disney cartoon!

The first story is something special, and you probably already know it – the story of Bambi!

But the original story of the little deer is not the work of Disney writers, as you might think!

The novel Bambi was written by the Austrian writer Felix Salten. The story of the popular Bambi is quite different from the idealized film adaptation.

Bambi was first translated to Slovenian back in 1953, but the new translation about animals that live in constant fear of hunters is somewhat different.

Source: Youth book
Source: Mladinska knjiga

Cvetka Sokolov presented a poetry collection, Moje hiške (My Houses), for the youngest readers. Cute poems touch the daily lives of children through different seasons.

Ptice (The Birds) is a translation of a poetic picture book by Albertina and German Zull, a couple who were awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Prize in 2020 for their works.

The didactic picture book, Polžek Oli svetuje (Oli the Snail Advises), by Martina Peštaj is a collection of 19 stories that describe the different challenges children face every day. Their friend –a snail named Oli, helps children overcome problems.

The musical fairytale Kuharica Uharica (Cookbook Uharica) is not so new – it is a Slovene musical cookbook by Svetlana Makarovič which is already legendary.

Svetlana Makarovich.  Photo: Mateja Čelan/Časoris
Svetlana Makarovič. Photo: Mateja Čelan/Časoris

The cookbook has now come to life again in a picture book with an attached CD.

The funny picture book is about a very special owl who has a knack for cooking. Through rhymes and music, cook Uharica reveals a whole bunch of delicious recipes.

Svetlana Makarovič has shared a secret with us – her favorite recipe from the cookbook:

Pancakes are always at the top of my food list.

Svetlana Makarovič

As always, the presentation of the books was celebrated properly yesterday. But instead of cake they served – pancakes!


Idealized is for something to be shown better or more beautiful than it really is.

Crêpe is the French-borrowed English word for thin pancakes. If you order pancakes in America, you will get something slightly different, not Slovenian palačinke.

Points to Consider

  1. Have you seen the cartoon Bambi?
  2. Do you listen to poems?
  3. Do you know how to cook?


The original version of this article was published on 28th September.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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