LGBTI+ mladi pogosto mislijo, da so edini, ki se soočajo s vprašanji naklonjenosti do istega spola ali pa s sprejemanjem lastnih teles in želenih načinov izražanja svoje identitete. Zato je pomembno, da obstajajo v njihovih življenjih pomembni odrasli - vzorniki. Vir: Freepik
LGBTI+ mladi pogosto mislijo, da so edini, ki se soočajo z vprašanji naklonjenosti do istega spola ali pa s sprejemanjem lastnih teles in želenih načinov izražanja svoje identitete. Zato je pomembno, da obstajajo v njihovih življenjih pomembni odrasli - vzorniki. Vir: Freepik

We need to address all kinds of diversity

In June, we celebrate the LGBTI+ Community Pride Month. On Saturday, the Slovenian Pride Week begun, which will end with a traditional parade.

This month was chosen because in June 1969, members of the community resisted discrimination as a group. But many still face various problems.

In Slovenia, young people are victims of violence at home, at school and in public. They are also treated inappropriately in health and social services, says Anže Jurček from the Faculty of Social Work, who participated in the European project Diversity and Childhood.

The vast majority of gays and lesbians are still victims of violence. There are no significant differences between the data from 2003 (53,3 percent) and those from 2014 (50,3 percent). Worrying, however, is the greater violence in schools. This doubled from 22 to 44 percent.

Anže Jurček, researcher

Similarly, other surveys have found that among all LGBT+ people a large proportion (40 percent) face discrimination and violence in schools.

The European project Diversity and Childhood also identified different types of violence against them.

Psychological violence and rejection of young people in the home environment are common, which can lead to youth homelessness.

LGBTi+. Vir: Freepik
Source: Freepik

They also came across good practices. In one of the high schools, for example, they run a group that allows students to talk about these topics.

The participants in the project also believe that these topics should be discussed as much as possible.

They also suggest educating professionals to be able to recognize and respond to this type of violence.

However, according to their recommendations, institutions must communicate through programs and posters that they respect diversity on their premises and that young people can feel safe with them.


LGBTI+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and people of other sexual orientations, identities, or expressions.

Points to Consider

  1. Can you recognize violence?
  2. Who can you turn to if you face it?
  3. Which organizations are particularly helpful to the LGBTI+ community?


The original version of this article was published on June 11th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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