Are you wondering what Advent is exactly?
And what about the Advent fair, Advent wreath, and all the Advent Sundays?
Children may already be familiar with advent calendars.
Advent is the pre-Christmas season that begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This can be between November 27th and December 3rd.
The name advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means arrival. For Christians this is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas.

Advent is best symbolized by an Advent wreath with four candles, which you usually place in the middle of the dining table at home.
Each candle symbolizes one of the Christian values: hope, peace, joy, and love.
You light the first candle on the first Sunday of Advent, and then an additional one every Sunday. After the last Sunday of Advent, when all four candles are burning on the wreath, Christmas follows.

Advent is also closely connected to food.
Kitchens at home smell of gingerbread, potica, and cookies, which can also be found at the Advent fairs.
At the beginning of Advent, December 6th to be exact, Slovenians also celebrate the holiday of Saint Nicholas. The celebration in Slovenian is called “Miklavženje.”
The first good man, St. Nicholas, may sneak into your kitchen tonight. He brings small gifts to good boys and girls – mandarines, cookies, candy, or maybe a small toy.
For those who aren’t good, St. Nicholas will only bring “šiba,” which is like a whip from the branch of a hazelnut or birch tree.
But St. Nicholas doesn’t work alone! He is accompanied by angels and little demons.
Hairy devils that rattle loudly with chains can be scary, and many children are afraid of them. But do not fear – they only really scare naughty children.
You can meet St. Nicholas with his loud companions already this afternoon at the parades around Slovenia.
Points to Consider
- When did Advent start this year?
- What is another name for Saint Nicholas?
- Are you already getting ready for Christmas at home?
The original version of this article was published on 5th December.