
The whole kingdom celebrated with Elizabeth II

You probably only know kings and queens, princes and princesses from fairy tales.

However, they are not so rare even in the real world. There are still many royal families in Europe, but they have more or less only a symbolic role in society.

One of the most recognizable is the British royal family, whose leader Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 70 years on the throne this year! This is the longest in the entire history of the British monarchy.

A four-day celebration ended in the UK yesterday. They even had a day off on Thursday and Friday.

Several million people gathered in the streets, and at least 16,000 events took place across the country.

Saturday’s parade featured 1,500 soldiers, 250 horses, some 100 musicians and more than 70 aircraft.

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A platinum party was on the agenda, with many celebrities performing in front of a 22,000-strong crowd. Half of the audience were chosen by a lottery. To end it all, they had a gala procession yesterday.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you know any other members of the royal family?
  2. Have Slovenians ever had any?
  3. What has happened in the 70 years since Elizabeth II. is on the throne?


The original version of this article was published on June 6th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.

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