Veselje zmagovalnega moštva. Vir: Posnetek zaslona/Uefa.com
Veselje zmagovalnega moštva. Vir: posnetek zaslona/uefa.com

The Italians are European football champions

For a month we were able to enjoy the masterworks of the best footballers of the old continent.

The 16th European Football Championship took place in 11 different European cities. Euro 2020 started in Rome and ended in London, and in the final the national teams from Italy and England competed.

24 countries competed for the title of European champion.

Angleški nogometaš Luke Shaw je mrežo nasportnikov zadel že v drugi minuti finala. Vir: Posnetek zaslona/Uefa.com
English footballer Luke Shaw hit the opponent’s net in the second minute of the final. Source: screenshot/Uefa.com

The match could hardly have started better for the English. Luke Shaw scored already in the second minute. Leonardo Bonucci tied the game at 1 : 1 after 67 minutes. It was only decided by the penalties: the Italians were better with three goals than the English, who scored two.

The final at Wembley Stadium in London was watched by as many as 65,000 fans.

The English footballers had a significant advantage as they had a lot of support from the home fans. The footballers from Italy, however, were not intimidated and did their best.

The Italians won the European Championship for the second time, after they succeeded in 1968. Italy is also considered one of the most successful football teams. It has already won four world championships.

The English played in the final of the European Championship for the first time, but the dreams of many fans did not come true. The last time they celebrated victory in a major competition was in 1966, when the English footballers became world champions.

The history of European football championships is 60 years long. Ten different national teams have won the title.

Slovenia also took part in this great competition in 2000.

Points to Consider

  1. Why did this year’s European Football Championship keep the year 2020 in it’s name?
  2. Is a good footballer the one who scores the most goals?
  3. Can you explain to a football amateur what is an offside?


The original version of this article was published on July 12th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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