Algoritem ti bo ponudil posnetke, ki so podobni tistim, ki si jih ogledaš do konca. Vir: Adobe Stock
Algoritem ti bo ponudil posnetke, ki so podobni tistim, ki si jih ogledaš do konca. Vir: Adobe Stock

The beauty of an individual is often hidden precisely in the differences

Do you ever compare yourself to online influencers?

Beauty ideals have changed greatly throughout history. Today, especially among youth, beauty ideals are largely determined by the media and social networks.

In their desire to be like online influencers, young girls resort to weight loss, strict dietary restrictions, excessive exercise, or even cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular and affordable in recent years.

Self-esteem is crucial. Photo: Robert Kneschke/Dreamstime
Self-esteem is crucial. Photo: Robert Kneschke/Dreamstime

Young girls and women in particular are very strongly influenced, especially those who have not fully developed their own self-image yet.

“Demand for aesthetic procedures is growing,” asserts Dr. Vojko Didanovičmaxillofacial surgeon and otorhinolaryngologist.

In doing so, they most often forget that phone cameras are designed to greatly change facial contours – to emphasize cheekbones or enlarge lips for example, he warns.

Aesthetic surgery is definitely concerned with the beauty of the body, but it does not neglect the importance of the body’s function, explains the doctor.

This is especially important for young people during the period of their growth and development. This is the time when body shapes can change very quickly.

dr. Vojko Didanovič. Source: personal archive
Dr. Vojko Didanovič. Source: personal archive

Don’t forget that any surgical procedure results in inflammation and scarring, which could significantly impair growth and development.

Procedures should be done only to improve the functionality of a certain part of the body.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you ever compare yourself to influencers?
  2. Why can this be dangerous?
  3. Do you agree with the statement that beauty lies in our differences?


The original version of this article was published on 12th July.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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