Dobitnici olimpijskih medalj Urša Bogataj in Nika Križnar, supervolilno leto, požar na Krasu in atlet leta Kristjan Čeh. Fotomontaža RDŠ
Dobitnici olimpijskih medalj Urša Bogataj in Nika Križnar, supervolilno leto, požar na Krasu in atlet leta Kristjan Čeh. Fotomontaža RDŠ

Slovenia in 2022

The past year was a super-election year in Slovenia.

Slovenia went to elections three times and once to a referendum.

The Slovene people elected new members of the National Assembly who then formed the new government with Robert Golob as Prime Minister.

Faca event in 2022. Photo: Luka Dakskobler
Borut Pahor left the presidential palace after ten years. Photo: Luka Dakskobler

The first female president of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, was elected.

In local elections across Slovenia, municipalities elected new or kept the old mayors and councilors.

In the results of the three referendum questions, the majority confirmed the government’s proposals (1) that the government be formed as it wishes, (2) that the destruction of RTV Slovenia be ended and (3) that the implementation of the long-term care law be postponed. 

The summer of 2022 will be remembered for record heatwaves when the temperature reached 39 degrees Celsius. The karst was affected by severe fires. For a week firefighters from all over Slovenia battled the flames.

The team of the Brezje Volunteer Fire Brigade.  Manca is third from the left, with her older sister Klara and friends Rok and Domen next to her.  Source: Personal archive
Časoris journalist, Manca Trček, reported on how she went to the Karst as a volunteer firefighter. Source: personal archive of MT

Athletes can always be counted on to deliver good news!

Slovene athletes returned from the Winter Olympics in Beijing last February with seven medals. In particular, the Slovenian ski jumpers shined – both as a team and individually – winning a total of four medals.

Bronze Gloria Kotnik.  Source: OKS
Snowboarder, Gloria Kotnik, also impressed everyone with her story and bringing home bronze. Source: OKS

For the first time in the history of Slovenian sports, two Slovenian women took the podium in the same competition. Slovenia also won two medals for snowboarding on the same day and in the same discipline – one in the women’s and the other in the men’s competition. The Slovenian medal count was rounded off by a silver medal in alpine skiing.

Athlete of the year, Kristjan Čeh, set the Slovenian national record in discus and became a world champion in the “queen of sports.”

For reflection

  1. Which news story from 2022 stuck in your memory the most?
  2. What was the most important event for you personally this past year?
  3. What do you want in 2023?


The original version of this article was published on December 30th.

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Dobnikar Šeruga rada potuje po vsem svetu. Spoznava nove kraje in ljudi in se vedno znova razveseli spoznanja, da smo prebivalci tega planeta zelo različni in vendar povsem enaki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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