Peter Prevc je v svoji zadnji tekmovalni sezoni osvojil tretje mesto v skupnem seštevku poletov. Po tekmi so mu pripravili pravi spektakel z glasbo, plesom in preletom helikopterjev. Dogajanje je popestrilo tudi sneženje. Vir: Profimedia
Peter Prevc je v svoji zadnji tekmovalni sezoni osvojil tretje mesto v skupnem seštevku poletov. Po tekmi so mu pripravili pravi spektakel z glasbo, plesom in preletom helikopterjev. Dogajanje je popestrilo tudi sneženje. Vir: Profimedia

Ski Jumper, Peter Prevc, retired from competing

The skiing and flying spectacle in Planica this weekend was marked by the best Slovenian jumper of all time!

Even before the competition on home soil, Peter Prevc announced that this was the last of his career.

The whole thing, from Thursday, when the girls performed, to yesterday, when the season ended, was emotional.

The Slovenian eagles flew in a sea of ​​Slovenian flags and reached great distances.

A total of 70,000 people watched the jumping ace successfully finish his career over the four days.

“But that’s it,” he said.

As many as twenty thousand people insisted even an hour after the match that they could say goodbye to their hero during the spectacle.

“Thank you, Pero! ” and “Pero, the champion! “ echoed in the valley where fans conjured up a football atmosphere with lit torches.

Vlado Kreslin and Tomi Meglič provided a musical surprise.

“He was my role model. I remembered every word he said to me,” said a fellow competitor Lovro Kos.

“He was an example to us all,” agreed Anže Lanišek and Timi Zajc.

His brother Domen, who flew to second place in the last race, said, “Such a farewell is what such people deserve.”

Other teammates also paid their respects to Peter.

At a special ceremony in his honor, he already received his first job offers for a new career.

Points to Consider

  1. What has Peter won in his career?
  2. Who will be the top Slovene jumper now?
  3. What is the difference between ski jumping and ski flying?


The original version of this article was published on 25th March.

Podprite Časoris ozka pasica Časko


Sušnik je novinar, ki ima šport v krvi. V mladih letih je treniral smučarske skoke, danes pa z veseljem poprime za teniški lopar. Ob močnem vetru pa ga lahko najdeš v morju, kjer jezdi desko z jadrom v roki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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