Srbijo je prizadela tragedija. Foto: Zala Anžin
Srbijo je prizadela tragedija. Foto: Zala Anžin

Shooting at Belgrade school: Everyone’s grief is immeasurable

On the morning of Wednesday, May 3rd, Serbia was shocked to hear the news of a shooting at the elementary school, Vladislav Ribnikar.

A 13-year-old elementary school student killed eight of his peers and a school security guard with his father’s gun. Six other students were wounded as well as a history teacher.

A tragedy struck Serbia.  Photo: Zala Anžin
Photo: Zala Anžin

The shooter K. K., who was an honors student in seventh grade, was arrested after he called the police himself and surrendered. On him they found the massacre plan and also a list of people he wanted to shoot.

He obtained the weapon from his father’s safe, and he had already planned the event a month prior.

When I found out I was horrified because I have friends who were or are still students at this school.

I immediately sent them a message asking how they and the others were doing. When I spoke to them, I could feel the shock and hurt in their voices.

I also spoke to a friend whose brother was shot in the leg. He was on the shooter’s list, too. My friends knew the shot victims – they loved the school security guard. They also knew the shooter.

A tragedy struck Serbia.  Photo: Zala Anžin
Photo: Zala Anžin

They say he was a gifted student who entered competitions and was always shy and reserved. They don’t understand why he decided to kill.

Timeline's young journalists.  Illustration: Nina Semolič

Not only our friends from this school, but also the rest of us were shocked. I see it from the posts on social networks: support, help, memories of the dead and those shot.

The grief of all is immeasurable. Tomorrow (May 4th) at two o’clock in the afternoon, many people will gather in front of the elementary school in black clothes in memory of the victims.

Candles are already lit in front of the school.


The original version of this article was published on May 3rd.

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Anžin je gimnazijka, ki rada posluša glasbo, obožuje igro in odkriva svet.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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