Primož Roglič je že četrtič zmagovalec dirke po Španiji. Vir: Profimedia
Primož Roglič je že četrtič zmagovalec dirke po Španiji. Vir: Profimedia

Roglič’s fourth victory at La Vuelta is an inspiration for all

Primož Roglič is the athlete who shows us over and over again that not everything is always perfect – in sports and life.

But he has also shown us many times how we overcome hurdles – in sports and life.

The story of this cyclist from Kisovec, Slovenia, also nicknamed Rogla, is incredible.


When he was a kid he dreamed of becoming the best ski jumper in the world. He was on the right track – becoming the world junior champion, among other things.

But he didn’t give up. He found a new sport.

He swapped his jumping skis for a bicycle and quickly climbed back among the sports stars.

But it still was not always easy for him. Although he recorded many victories, he is remembered by many as the unsung hero of the Tour de France.

He changed teams before the season started because he got the support he needed to jump to the desired laurels on the new Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe team.

But he fell again in the race and quit.

He went to the Spanish cycling race, La Vuelta, with back pain.

He suffered for a while, but then he grit his teeth and won in Spain for the fourth time in history!


He has once again achieved enormous success after experiencing great disappointment.

Thus, he has shown us once again that it is never worth giving up – because life will reward your efforts.


A laurel is praise for a person because of something they have done, usually in sports, the arts, or politics.

An unsung hero is used to describe someone who is not appreciated or praised, but they deserve to be.

Points to Consider

  1. What do you do when something bad happens to you?
  2. Do you know any other amazing sports stories?
  3. In which competition recently have many athletes shown incredible sports stories?


The original version of this article was published on 9th September.

Podprite Časoris ozka pasica Časko


Sušnik je novinar, ki ima šport v krvi. V mladih letih je treniral smučarske skoke, danes pa z veseljem poprime za teniški lopar. Ob močnem vetru pa ga lahko najdeš v morju, kjer jezdi desko z jadrom v roki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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