Primož Roglič na zmagovalnih stopničkah Gira d'Italia. Foto: Anže Malovrh/STA
Primož Roglič on the podium of Giro d'Italia. Photo: Anže Malovrh/STA

Roglič on the historic podium

After a countless hills, falls, abrasions, bruises and bumps in tired legs, a thrilling three-week cycling race was concluded in Italy.

The final 21ststage brought the already exhausted riders to Verona, where they were waiting to start the last 17-kilometer ride on time.

The Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič, who had previously won both time trials, finished it in tenth place.

Primož was optimistic about the pink t-shirt and hoped that he could be the winner.

In the end, the young man from Zasavje made do with third place. This is a historic success for Slovenian cycling. Jan Polanc also got 14thplace.

Primož, in the last stages of the race, was also supported by a number of Slovenian fans.

He was grateful to them, even though one of them made him lose valuable seconds because of an unwise move. The cheerleader pushed him to the slaughter for a few seconds, but he did so with a “bear’s favour” [idiom: a well-intentioned action that causes harm], as Primož got a ten-second penalty.

Primoz arrived in Verona in fourth place. He was 23 seconds behind the person in third.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you know any other big cycling race? 
  2. Is cycling a team sport? 
  3. What is the race three weeks long?


The original version of this article was published on June 3rd.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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