King Charles III. Source: royal.uk
King Charles III. Source: royal.uk

Prince Charles becomes King Charles III

Prince Charles waited a very long time for his real job. When he was three years old, his mother became Queen Elizabeth II. This made him her successor to the throne.

When she died last Thursday, September 8th, he became king after waiting more than seventy years.

He has already addressed the nation in his new role.

Princ Charles pri devetih letih. Vir: Wikimedia Commons
Princ Charles at age 9. Source: Wikimedia Commons

For his royal name as king, he could have chosen any of his four names: Charles, Philip, Arthur, or George.

He decided to keep his birth name – Charles III (Karel III. in Slovenian).

King Charles III didn’t have the same childhood as others. Although he went to school with other children, everyone knew that one day he would become a ruler.

He went on his first official visit to Malta when he was five years old!

For many years he carried out several tasks on behalf of the Queen, especially charitable work. He is also a big supporter of organic farming and environmental protection.

When he visited Slovenia in 2014, Prince Charles received an apiary with painted beehives as a gift.

More than his work duties, the British were interested in his private life – especially love.

In 1981 his wedding to Lady Diana was watched on television by millions around the world.

Lady Di became extremely popular among the British. She was called the queen of the people’s hearts.

Her marriage to Prince Charles, however, was not a happy one. They divorced after 15 years.

A year later Lady Di died in a car accident. Charles then married his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, who has now been given the title the Queen Consort.

Points to Consider

  1. What kind of country is Great Britain?
  2. Why is King Charles III called kralj Karel III. in Slovenian?
  3. What would you change if you were a king or queen?


The original version of this article was published on September 14th.

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Dobnikar Šeruga rada potuje po vsem svetu. Spoznava nove kraje in ljudi in se vedno znova razveseli spoznanja, da smo prebivalci tega planeta zelo različni in vendar povsem enaki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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