In Rome, Primož Roglič was able to raise the trophy high in the air, which he received as the winner of the race around Italy. Source: Profimedia
In Rome, Primož Roglič was able to raise the trophy high in the air, which he received as the winner of the race around Italy. Source: Profimedia

Primož Roglič wrote a new chapter in his cycling fairytale at Giro d’Italia

We know athletes who impress the world with their exceptional sporting accomplishments.

We also know people who write extraordinary life stories along with their sporting achievements.

Then there is Primož Roglič.

Primož Roglič. Source: Profimedia
Primož Roglič. Source: Profimedia

The Slovenian cycling hero wrote a story that the best film directors would be proud of.

The spectacle at *Mount Lussari was a new chapter in his cycling fairytale, which is full of ups and downs.

*Mount Lussari (Italian: Monte Lussari, Slovene: Svete Višarje)

He started his sports career as an extremely talented ski jumper. He even became a team – Junior World Champion.

Then he fell badly while ski flying on Planica’s largest hill and had to say goodbye this sport.

He found new sporting challenges in cycling. Because he changed sports late in his athletic career, he gained many fans after his first cycling successes.

After the unfortunate defeat at the Tour de France in 2020, when Tadej Pogačar overtook him in the penultimate stage, he sportily admitted defeat and proved that he is an exceptional person.

He also showed that he never gives up and always keeps fighting.

He became an Olympic champion and won the Tour of Spain (Vuelta a España) three times.

This year his main goal of the season was to win the race in Italy, Giro d’Italia.

The decisive stage took place in Mount Lussari, just a stone’s throw from the Nordic Centre Planica.

The Slovenian fans, who gathered in large numbers in the village above Trbiž on Saturday, once again proved to him how much they love him.


Primož gave back to them in his own way – with lots of drama. During the ascent his chain came off. He calmly fixed it and continued on toward victory.

His former colleague, Mitja Mežnar, also helped him with this.

“I was flying down the road because of all the people. I enjoyed every meter, and this is the best day of my career,” he thanked his fans at the finish line.


His son Lev also impressed the fans.

Points to Consider

  1. Can you pick yourself up after a fall?
  2. Who helps you the most in life?
  3. Why are fans so important to athletes?


The original version of this article was published on May 29th.

Podprite Časoris ozka pasica Časko


Sušnik je novinar, ki ima šport v krvi. V mladih letih je treniral smučarske skoke, danes pa z veseljem poprime za teniški lopar. Ob močnem vetru pa ga lahko najdeš v morju, kjer jezdi desko z jadrom v roki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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