Plečnikova tržnica. Foto: Miran Kambic/STO
Plečnikova tržnica. Foto: Miran Kambic/STO

Plečnik’s works are on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Architect Jože Plečnik can now be found on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We talked about one of our most important architects with the architect and editor of Outsider magazine Matevž Granda.

Why was Plečnik only now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List?

The inclusion of a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a lengthy process. Proposers should make a well-reasoned proposal as to why it would be appropriate to include something on it. After that, the international commission examines the application for a longer period of time, as it has to follow strict criteria and see all the proposals in person.

When deciding, it is not only the condition of the facilities that is important, but also the attitude of the community towards them. Therefore, the Bežigrad Stadium, which is in very poor condition, is not on the list.

Although the inclusion of his works on the UNESCO list took a long time, it came at a very opportune time. Exactly one hundred years ago was a turning point for Plečnik, as he began teaching architecture in Ljubljana and building what we now call Plečnik’s Ljubljana.

Plečnikove veličastne Žale. Vir: 0000ff/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0
Plečnikove veličastne Žale. Foto: 0000ff/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0

Why were many of Plečnik’s ideas not realized?

This is normal in creative professions. Many of the ideas and concepts that Leonardo da Vinci had were also never realized.

Great creators are constantly creating. They are aware that only some of their ideas will be realized, but this is not an obstacle to not creating further.

In addition, several factors are important in architecture for construction that the architect does not always have an influence over.

Plečnik je dal z lastnim umetniškim ustvarjanjem slovenski arhitekturi izrazito prepoznavnost. Vir: snl.no
Plečnik je dal z lastnim umetniškim ustvarjanjem slovenski arhitekturi izrazito prepoznavnost. Vir: snl.no

What were his plans for a chocolate factory in Vienna?

In his monograph, published in 1920, only his Viennese works and unfinished projects from that time were published, including a chocolate factory.

He designed it as a grid of surfaces reminiscent of a bar of chocolate. At that time, beauty was very important in the design of factories. Thus, Plečnik’s chocolate factory is a true aesthetic masterpiece.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you know any of Plečnik’s works?
  2. In which cities, besides Ljubljana, did he create?
  3. When did he create the most?


The original version of this article was published on August 18th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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