Še nikoli na treningu nisem streljala tako dobro. Verjamem, da se je to zgodilo tudi zato, ker je tekmovanje spremljalo veliko ljudi in so vsi verjeli v najin uspeh. Sama se danes niti ne spomnim, koliko strelov je bilo in kakšni so bili. Ves čas sem poskušala ostati le zbrana za naslednji strel, se trenutkov pred največjim športnim uspehom v karieri spominja 35-letna Kamničanka. Na nedeljski zaključni slovesnosti je prav ona nosila slovensko zastavo. Vir: Profimedia
Še nikoli na treningu nisem streljala tako dobro. Verjamem, da se je to zgodilo tudi zato, ker je tekmovanje spremljalo veliko ljudi in so vsi verjeli v najin uspeh. Sama se danes niti ne spomnim, koliko strelov je bilo in kakšni so bili. Ves čas sem poskušala ostati le zbrana za naslednji strel, se trenutkov pred največjim športnim uspehom v karieri spominja 35-letna Kamničanka. Na nedeljski zaključni slovesnosti je prav ona nosila slovensko zastavo. Vir: Profimedia

Paralympian Živa Lavrinc: Dreams can already come true tomorrow

Disabled athletes deserve special respect. They have to muster the strength and energy to devote themselves to sports despite their limitations.

It’s even harder for those who get injured overnight. Among them is Živa Lavrinc, a Slovene medalist at the recently concluded Paralympic Games.

She had a bicycle accident when she was 29 years old. She has been in a wheelchair ever since.

We can overcome anything in life if we believe in it. When in doubt, it’s harder, she says.

Such thinking also helped her on the decisive day, when she and her teammate had extremely close battles in the fights for medals. Under great pressure, she showed her best shots.

Her story is all the more special, as she achieved an exceptional result quickly after her injury and somewhat by coincidence.

In Switzerland, where she lived at the time of her injury, due to the coronavirus, an archery competition was organized that should have been held in Asia.

She applied to be a volunteer at the school she attended. At the information point, the president of the archery center noticed her and invited her to join the shooters.

In addition to Živa Lavrinc and Dejan Fabčič, the first Slovenian Paralympic hero was shooter Franček Gorazd Tiršek.

He already won his fifth medal in major competitions. This time even the first gold!

Points to Consider

  1. How do you handle pressure?
  2. Which Paralympic disciplines do you know?
  3. Why is it important to have dreams?


The original version of this article was published on 11th September.

Podprite Časoris ozka pasica Časko


Sušnik je novinar, ki ima šport v krvi. V mladih letih je treniral smučarske skoke, danes pa z veseljem poprime za teniški lopar. Ob močnem vetru pa ga lahko najdeš v morju, kjer jezdi desko z jadrom v roki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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