Ker število okuženih še vedno raste, bomo prihodnji teden še sledili ukrepom iz rdeče faze. Trenutno smo na meji med oranžno in rdečo, je ocenil minister. Vir: Freepik
Ker število okuženih še vedno raste, bomo prihodnji teden še sledili ukrepom iz rdeče faze. Trenutno smo na meji med oranžno in rdečo, je ocenil minister. Vir: Freepik

New system for anti-corona measures

The epidemic will no longer limit school lessons. At least not to the extent it has in the last year.

The government has adopted a new system, which has today relaxed and enabled our social life, said Health Minister Janez Poklukar.

Because of this some children will be allowed to finish the school year in the classroom.

In the black phase, which envisages a large number of infected and hospitalized due to the coronavirus, kindergartens will now be open, and schools will be open for the first triad and for children with special needs. There will be some limits on public transport, and contactless outdoor sports activities will be possible.

In the slightly less strict red phase, secondary schools will be opened, according to model C. The final years will be in person at all times. It will be possible to visit the library, music school and ballet classes. Curfew will be lifted.

In the orange phase, students will also be able to return to their faculties, and movement between regions will be allowed.

In the yellow phase, high schools and colleges will be open without restrictions.

As Poklukar noted, in all phases they encourage voluntary self-testing of high school and university students.

There are no major uncertainties about not being able to properly and sufficiently introduce self-testing. Self-testing is scheduled for April 16th. In the coming weeks, this method will have more users day by day among parents, children, teachers and principals. I believe that we are such a mature society that such serious public health measures do not need to be prescribed by decree.

Janez Poklukar, Health Minister

Pupils and students of the third triad will conduct self-testing at school.

Wearing masks will no longer be mandatory in all public places, but only where sufficient distance cannot be maintained.


The original version of this article was published on April 9th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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