Nemo je 24-letni Švicar, ki je v domovini zaslovel leta 2016. Igra violino, klavir in bobne. V finalu je poleg njega nastopilo 24, glasovalo pa 37 držav. Končni rezultat je preplet telefonskih glasov in strokovnih žirij. V naši so sodelovali plesalec Matevž Česen, pevec LPS Filip Vidušin ter glasbeniki Martin Štibernik, Maja Keuc in Lea Sirk. Vir: Profimedia
Nemo je 24-letni Švicar, ki je v domovini zaslovel leta 2016. Igra violino, klavir in bobne. V finalu je poleg njega nastopilo 24, glasovalo pa 37 držav. Končni rezultat je preplet telefonskih glasov in strokovnih žirij. V naši so sodelovali plesalec Matevž Česen, pevec LPS Filip Vidušin ter glasbeniki Martin Štibernik, Maja Keuc in Lea Sirk. Vir: Profimedia

Nemo found himself on the Eurovision stage and won

Unusual sights, special light effects, lots of dancing, and drama… another Eurovision Song Contest is behind us – this time it was held in Malmö, Sweden!

We were on the edge of our seats until the very end after the final votes were counted. It was close between Baby Lasagna from Croatia, whom many predicted to win, and Nemo from Switzerland.

Finally it was announced – the winning song is The Code, performed by Nemo! Ukraine took third place.

Raiven was happy she managed to qualify for the finals.

The event took place in the shadow of the war in Gaza. There were tensions at every step: anti-Israel protesters were milling in front of the hall, and their representative was booed several times in the hall.

Many participants, therefore, called for peace.

There was also tension between the Dutch representative and the team responsible for the organization of the event. As a result, he was expelled.

The accompanying program was also not-to-miss.

The band Alcazar performed first. Then the presenters chased them off the stage – saying that the wrong group had come on, and the stage was taken by the legendary Swedish group, Abba … but only in digital form!

With this, they honored half a century after their victory with the composition Waterloo. Then this song was sung by three Eurovision legends.

Last year’s winner, Loreen, also performed.

Points to Consider

  1. Which song was your favorite?
  2. What is the winning song about?
  3. Is it right to mix politics with a music competition?


The original version of this article was published on 12th May.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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