Po Milanu Kučanu, Janezu Drnovšku, Danilu Türku in Borutu Pahorju bo mesto predsednice republike prevzela Nataša Pirc Musar. Foto: Daniel Novaković/STA
Po Milanu Kučanu, Janezu Drnovšku, Danilu Türku in Borutu Pahorju bo mesto predsednice republike prevzela Nataša Pirc Musar. Foto: Daniel Novaković/STA

Nataša Pirc Musar won the Slovenian presidential election

Slovenia has chosen!

Nataša Pirc Musar is on her way to the presidential palace. With this, Slovenia will have its first female president.

Opinion polls have indicated this win. Last week 53 percent of people took part in the elections, and in the first round – slightly less: 51.74 percent.

Pirc Musar
1st Roundnumber of votes296,000234,361
percent of votes (%)33.9526.88
2nd Roundnumber of votes409,761478,399
percent of votes (%)46.1453.86
Source: National Election Commission

The winner will first meet with the presidents of the parliamentary parties and ask what she can contribute to.

I will do my best to be the president of all. I will fight for human rights and democracy. I want a tolerant dialogue between all of us. Diversity enriches us. Let’s learn to talk and listen to each other.

Nataša Pirc Musar

She said that Slovenia needs politicians like her opponent, Anže Logar.

He even stated that the elections are a celebration of democracy and congratulated the new president. “I believe that she will keep her word, and that she will be a president for all of us. Slovenia needs this more than ever. I want us all to support the new president.”

Lawyer Nataša Pirc Musar will take over the business from the outgoing President of the Republic, Borut Pahor, on December 23rd. On the same day 32 years ago Slovenia had a plebiscite on an independent state.

At that time she will take an oath in the National Assembly saying that she will respect the constitutional order, that she will act according to her conscience, and that she work with all her powers for the welfare of Slovenia.

Does it seem like Slovenia has elections every weekend?

It will be like this for a while.

Yesterday local elections were underway, and this coming Sunday Slovenia will have three referendums.

That’s just how it is when you live in a super-election year.

For reflection

  1. Who would be your choice for president, and why?
  2. What should the new president focus on the most?
  3. What kind of president was Borut Pahor?


The original version of this article was published on November 14th.

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Hanžič je novinarka, ki jo ob spremljanju vsakodnevnega dogajanja najbolj veselijo druženje s prijatelji, potovanja in sprehodi v naravo.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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