Vse skupaj se mi zdi neresnično, zelo sem presunjena, je po svoji drugi zmagi in že sedmi zmagi za Švedsko dejala Loreen. Vir: Profimedia
Vse skupaj se mi zdi neresnično, zelo sem presunjena, je po svoji drugi zmagi in že sedmi zmagi za Švedsko dejala Loreen. Vir: Profimedia

Loreen – the first woman with two wins at Eurovision

The crystal microphone went to the singer, Loreen, on Saturday night! With this, she made history – becoming the first woman with two wins in this music competition.

She won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 with the song, Euphoria.

This year’s song, Tattoo, which is about a romantic breakup, Loreen  upgraded her stage performance by utilizing heavy, moving screens.

Next year the event will be hosted by Sweden, which received the most votes from 37 expert juries and a very large number of votes from the audience.

Finland and Israel were also on the podium.

Slovenia landed in 21st place. Joker Out won 78 points, of which 45 were from telephone voting and 33 from expert juries. The group members clearly enjoyed themselves on stage again and were much more relaxed than at the pre-selection.

How did Slovenians vote?

Our expert jury gave one point to Switzerland, two to Spain, three to Austria, four to Australia, five to Belgium, six to the Czech Republic, seven to Sweden, eight to Lithuania, ten to Estonia, and twelve to Italy.

Whereas via the audience’s telephone voting, Slovenes allocated one point to Poland, two to Belgium, three to France, four to Sweden, five to Norway, six to Serbia, eight to Italy, ten to Finland, and twelve to Croatia.

The pageant brings many political messages every year. This year’s slogan was United By Music (#UnitedByMusic). Ukraine, which is still at war, won Eurovision last year. Therefore, the competition was hosted by the United Kingdom, which came second.

Last year’s winners, the Kalush Orchestra, opened the competiton final.

The Ukrainian president was not allowed to address the audience.

The Croatian music group, Let3, raised a lot of dust – both with their performance and their song, Mama ŠČ!

The song condemns the war, pointing out the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who is the main culprit behind the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Points to Consider

  1. Who did you root for?
  2. Why do we say “tastes” are non-negotiable?
  3. Which factors are important to win in Eurovision?


The original version of this article was published on May 14th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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