Poziv vladi Večina pričakuje ukrepanje. Vir: Adobe Stock
Vir: Adobe Stock

Let’s take action now also in Slovenia!

This summer, the government has important climate documents on the table.

These are the documents with which it can take such decisive measures so that Slovenia can follow the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

»In order for climate change to become a priority for politicians and to treat it as a problem that affects every individual, we decided to make an urgent appeal. We want the government to deal with this problem in a way that will prevent the climate catastrophe that is threatening us,« says Katarina Bervar Sternad of the Legal Information Center (PIC), who is making this call along with many other organizations.

Climate change can lead to floods, droughts, avalanches as well as other dangers associated with the climate and environment in which we live.

»This is something that no one can escape,« adds Katarina Bervar Sternad.

Scientists say that the Earth cannot warm by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, that is, at a time when there were no factories. This is half a degree less than they initially thought.

They have found that we have already done too much damage to the environment, so the measures taken must be more radical.

»We must prevent everything that can contribute to the deterioration of the environment in which we live,« stresses Katarina Bervar Sternad.

Points to Consider

  1. How could your school change into zero-waste school?
  2. How can we take care of environment?
  3. Do you cycle or walk at home?


The original version of this article was published on June 21st.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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