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Kids read better, but they like it less

Even normal school tests are important, but national and international tests of knowledge are so important that the media write about them.

After three years, we know again how literate Slovenian 15-year-olds are in comparison to those from other countries.

The results of the Pisa 2018 survey, which compares the skills of 15-year-old pupils in OECD member states and partner countries, show that they are more successful than the international average in all tested areas.

The survey, which involved 79 countries, examined literacy, science, and mathematics. This time, there was a particular emphasis on reading literacy.

However, literacy is decreasing every year. National PISA Coordinator Klavdija Šterman Ivančič believes that the tests were different this time, which could explain the poorer results.

In literacy and science literacy, girls performed significantly better than boys, and in mathematical literacy both achieved the same results.

The results with regard to motivation and well-being are of concern.

Students, and especially male students, are increasingly reluctant to read. Reading increasingly seems a waste of time, and they only read when they have to.

Schoolchildren are not happy with Slovenian teachers. Compared to students from other countries, their support and communication with regard to progress was very poorly evaluated. They were given the worst grade for their enthusiasm for teaching Slovenian.

For many, intelligence is something they cannot change or build on. Slovenian students are also among those in the OECD who are least likely to feel positive emotions, such as pride and joy. A third reported that they often or always felt sad, and a good half said they were often or always worried.

Points to Consider

  1. Why children like to read less?
  2. What would help them discover the joy of reading?
  3. Why reading matters?


The original version of this article was published on November 6th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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