Zlata Janja in srebrna Mia. Foto: Manca Ogrin/PZS
Zlata Janja in srebrna Mia. Foto: Manca Ogrin/PZS

Janja Garnbret First Climber With Six Gold Medals

»It is inconceivable what I have achieved this season,« said Janja Garnbret.

She became the World Champion also in lead climbing.

Mia Krampl was also successful, finishing second.

Two days earlier, Janja Garnbret had already been cheered by fans for the gold medal in bouldering.

In this discipline, she is the first athlete in the world to defend the title of world champions for the second time.

»Both titles really mean a lot to me, and I’m really happy to keep my head calm,« said the climber after winning the title.

»I just enjoy the climb as I know it,« said the young girl from Koroška region after winning two gold medals in Japan.

On Tuesday, August 20th, she won her third gold medal in this championship, this time in Olympic combination. She is now also the first climber to win three gold medals in a row!

On Sunday, August 18th, she also made it to the Olympics, which will be in Tokyo next year.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you like climbing?
  2. What is needed to become a great athlete?
  3. Why is determination important for success?


The original version of this article was published on August 19th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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