Naši športniki so v zgodovini svetovnih prvenstev v nordijskem smučanju osvojili 15 medalj. Foto: Iztok Medja (www.slovenia.info)
Naši športniki so v zgodovini svetovnih prvenstev v nordijskem smučanju osvojili 15 medalj. Foto: Iztok Medja (www.slovenia.info)

It’s best to compete at home

This year Slovenia is hosting the world championship in Nordic skiing for the first time!

Local and foreign skiers will have the opportunity to make history in the next few days.

In the valley under Poncami, 33 Slovenian sportsmen and women will try to make their dreams come true by competing in ski jumping, cross-country skiing, and Nordic combined.

The World Championship takes place every two years and brings a special challenge to athletes.


Our Slovene national team consists of 33 athletes, but there was no doubt about who would be the captain of the Slovenian expedition.

At the opening ceremony, the Slovenian flag was carried by Slovenia’s ski jumping hero, Peter Prevc. The athletes chose him unanimously for this honorable role.

At the opening ceremony which symbolically began at 8:23 p.m., musicians performed including the band Laibachthe Sašo Avsenik Ensemble, and DJ Umek. More than 130 performers lined up on stage.

That I was chosen with such a majority of votes doesn’t happen often in Slovenia. I am proud and honored to be the flag bearer for the first time.

Peter Prevc

Ski jumpers expect the best results. On the medium and large ski jumps they want to grow wings and fly like eagles.

This is why fans are eager to attend the event in Planica over the next few days. The organizers expect between 150 and 200 thousand of them.

Eagles are not the only birds at this event. The mascot of the championship is the heroine, Vita, who flies and runs, just like ski jumpers. Vita is a short name for Victoria, which means victory.

A novelty at the championship will be Nordic combined, where we will be able to see a mixed team match for the first time. Four sets of medals will be awarded at this event.

The championship will take place without the ski jumper Urša Bogataj, who had an accident and already ended her season. Nika Križnar will probably join a little later since she got sick.

For reflection

  1. Will you go to Planica?
  2. Do you know the song, “Planica” by the Avsenik Ensemble?
  3. Who do you think has the best chance to win a medal?


The original version of this article was published on February 22nd.

Podprite Časoris ozka pasica Časko


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.


Sušnik je novinar, ki ima šport v krvi. V mladih letih je treniral smučarske skoke, danes pa z veseljem poprime za teniški lopar. Ob močnem vetru pa ga lahko najdeš v morju, kjer jezdi desko z jadrom v roki.

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