Lego kocke so odlično orodje za učenje veščin STEM (znanost, tehnologija, inženirstvo, matematika). Patentirali so jih na današnji dan leta 1958. Vir: Adobe Stock
Lego kocke so odlično orodje za učenje veščin STEM (znanost, tehnologija, inženirstvo, matematika). Patentirali so jih na današnji dan leta 1958. Vir: Adobe Stock

If you play with Legos, you’re developing important skills

Legos are loved not only by children, but also by many adults around the world.

Legos are so popular that they even have their own day of the year!

Their history dates back to 1932, when Danish master carpenter Ole Kirk Kristiansen founded a company to produce wooden toys.

He named it Lego.

The name comes from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means play well.

The first plastic cubes were made in 1949 and sparked a revolution.

And still today 68 thousand of them are produced every minute!

Mojca Grojzdek explains that the bricks encourage creativity, innovative thinking, and logical reasoning. She is an educator and director of the 1-2-3 Institute, which runs Lego educational programs.

Legos help develop important skills such as:

  • fine motor skills – improving hand and finger dexterity,
  • problem-solving – learning to find solutions,
  • creative thinking – developing your imagination,
  • spatial awareness – learning to understand how individual parts connect to form a whole, and
  • persistence and patience – building requires time and precision.
Playing with Lego bricks brings many benefits. Photo: Tixtis/Dreamstime
Photo: Tixtis/Dreamstime

They stand out primarily for their quality, precise workmanship, and versatility.

If you love playing with Legos, don’t worry – it’s good for you!


A revolution is a big, rapid change.

Innovative refers to improving, refining, and introducing something new.

STEM  is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Mechanics is the science of motion, rest, and forces on bodies.

Versatility is being able to do many different kinds of things well or having many different uses.

Points to Consider

  1. What do you like to build with Legos?
  2. What is the name of the competition with Legos and STEM fields?
  3. What kind of toys do you like to play with?


The original version of this article was published on January 28th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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