Predsedovanje bo potekalo v negotovih okoliščinah, saj so mnoge članice EU kritične do madžarske oblasti. V zadnjih letih so ji pogosto očitale, da ne spoštuje prava EU. Prav tako imata strani drugačen pogled na odnose z Ukrajino: madžarska politika namreč nasprotuje, da bi jo EU še naprej vojaško podpirala. Foto: Sergii Kolesnyk/Dreamstime
Predsedovanje bo potekalo v negotovih okoliščinah, saj so mnoge članice EU kritične do madžarske oblasti. V zadnjih letih so ji pogosto očitale, da ne spoštuje prava EU. Prav tako imata strani drugačen pogled na odnose z Ukrajino: madžarska politika namreč nasprotuje, da bi jo EU še naprej vojaško podpirala. Foto: Sergii Kolesnyk/Dreamstime

Hungary wishes to expand the European Union

We have rolled into the second half of 2024!

Not only has summer started, but a new country has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Following Belgium’s presidency, the neighboring country Hungary starts today.

Hungary is located in Central Europe and has nine million inhabitants. It is divided into nineteen districts and Budapest, the capital city, is a special district.

The Danube River flows through it, dividing the city into Buda and Pest. Budapest is also home to one of the most important river ports.

Their official language is Hungarian, which belongs to the Finno-Ugric languages. These are not like other languages.

Twelve minority communities are recognized in the country, including Roma, German, and Slovenian.

Hungary is known for:

Also an interesting fact: Hungarians do not pay with euros, but they have kept their currency – forints.

Their EU presidency will run under the slogan Let’s make Europe great again, which is reminiscent of the former US president Donald Trump‘s slogan.

A strong and connected Europe. Photo: Sjankauskas/Dreamstime
Photo: Sjankauskas/Dreamstime

They want to convey that Europe is strong only if it is united. They illustrate this with their logo – a Rubik’s cube, which is made up of 27 parts, as many as the EU members. It was invented by a Hungarian!

Poland will take over the presidency of the Council of the EU in the new year.

Points to Consider

  1. How many countries does Hungary border?
  2. Which city does Budapest remind you of?
  3. What else is happening in the EU these days?


The original version of this article was published on 1st July.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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