Trumpu so se ob razglasitvi zmage pridružili družinski člani (na desni strani stoji njegova žena, Slovenka Melania Trump, zraven je njun sin Barron, za njim pa tast Viktor Knavs). Dr. Nahtigal v njegovi zmagi ne vidi dobrih vidikov, razen spoznanja, da je čas za prenovo mednarodnega razvojnega modela, ki bo dostopen vsem, ne samo premožnim. Vir: Profimedia
Trumpu so se ob razglasitvi zmage pridružili družinski člani (na desni strani stoji njegova žena, Slovenka Melania Trump, zraven je njun sin Barron, za njim pa tast Viktor Knavs). Dr. Nahtigal v njegovi zmagi ne vidi dobrih vidikov, razen spoznanja, da je čas za prenovo mednarodnega razvojnega modela, ki bo dostopen vsem, ne samo premožnim. Vir: Profimedia

How will Trump’s victory affect the rest of the world?

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the new US president on January 20th, 2025. He will succeed Joe Biden in the White House.

According to unofficial data, Trump won 291 electoral votes, while Kamala Harris collected 223 electoral votes.

“If a politician and businessman persistently lies, cheats (social, legal, and financial rules), insults people (women, other races, weaker ones), exploits workers, and in the process enriches himself, then he is rewarded by becoming an untouchable president of a superpower.”

Such is the unpleasant truth of these elections, according to Dr. Matjaž Nahtigal, Head of the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Nahtigal predicts that Trump’s policies will have a bad impact on everyone, including Europe:

“Hope lies in action, education, cooperation, and the search for better solutions at all levels of individual and social activity,” emphasizes Nahtigal. 


Inauguration is the ceremony when a president is sworn in to start their job.

National selfishness means that a country or nation puts its own interests above the interests of others.

Class selfishness refers to the priority of the interests of one social group (ex. the rich, influential …) over the needs of others.

Points to Consider

  1. Are you following the election?
  2. Why is the action of the American president important for the whole world?
  3. How can global peace and prosperity be achieved?


The original version of this article was published on November 7th.

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Dobnikar Šeruga rada potuje po vsem svetu. Spoznava nove kraje in ljudi in se vedno znova razveseli spoznanja, da smo prebivalci tega planeta zelo različni in vendar povsem enaki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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