Novi predsednik, 78-letni Donald Trump, je napovedal začetek zlate dobe za ZDA. Ta bo prinesla hitre spremembe in vrnitev zdravega razuma, je dejal. Na inavguraciji ga je spremljala njegova velika družina. Soproga Melania, ki je Slovenka, je držala Sveti pismi, na kateri je zaprisegel. Vir: Profimedia
Novi predsednik, 78-letni Donald Trump, je napovedal začetek zlate dobe za ZDA. Ta bo prinesla hitre spremembe in vrnitev zdravega razuma, je dejal. Na inavguraciji ga je spremljala njegova velika družina. Soproga Melania, ki je Slovenka, je držala Sveti pismi, na kateri je zaprisegel. Vir: Profimedia

How does Donald Trump envision a new golden age for the USA?

“We will be a compassionate and extraordinary nation again. We will bring peace, we will dream boldly. God bless America,” concluded the new US President Donald Trump in his address last night.

Vice President JD Vance was sworn in alongside Trump.

Usually, the inauguration happens outdoors. This time it was moved to the Capitol Rotunda due to the cold weather.

At the inauguration were also former presidents and Trump’s wife, Melania Trump (born Melanija Knavs), who is originally from Sevnica, Slovenia.

For today’s occasion, a special celebration was held in her hometown.

Their son Barron Trump and his grandfather Viktor Knavs were also present. Twelve other Slovenians were invited to the inauguration.

He is also said to have pardoned the Capitol attackers.

Joe Biden won the 2020 election, but Trump insisted that he himself had won.

His disillusioned supporters stormed the Capitol building. Four people died.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by influential and wealthy guests, including the richest man on Earth, Elon Musk, who will head the newly established Office of Government Efficiency.

Then they headed to the traditional parade and inauguration dances.


Expulsion is to get rid of something completely.

Illegal immigrants are people who were not born in a country and do not have the proper documents to stay in the country.

Tariffs are taxes.

To forge something is to make a fake or false.

An inauguration is a ceremony that officially begins the work of a new political leader.

The First Lady is a term used for the wife or partner of the president of a country. She usually supports various initiatives and participates in events and visits.

Immunity is an exemption from liability or prosecution in certain situations.

To head is to be in charge.

Points to Consider

  1. What did Trump influence even before he was officially sworn in?
  2. How will Trump’s job affect Slovenia?
  3. What power does the First Lady have?


The original version of this article was published on January 21st.

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Hanžič je novinarka, ki jo ob spremljanju vsakodnevnega dogajanja najbolj veselijo druženje s prijatelji, potovanja in sprehodi v naravo.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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