Etiquette is also how you eat at the table, to sit up straight, not to talk with your mouth full and not to wave utensils. Source: Pixabay
Etiquette is also how you eat at the table, to sit up straight, not to talk with your mouth full and not to wave utensils. Source: Pixabay

Good etiquette is not just saying “please” and “thank you”

Etiquette does not mean that you always have a slick hairstyle and clean pants. It is about behaving properly in different situations.

Etiquette is a set of rules for good behavior or manners. It helps us to fit into the society in which we live.

The word bon ton comes from the French language and means good manners. It’s sometimes used when referring to etiquette.

Developing and learning good manners begins early in childhood. Parents, educators, and peers play the most important role.

 The most important thing is to set a good example.

Ksenia Benedetti. Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA
Ksenia Benedetti. Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

Ksenija Benedetti, former long-time leader of Slovenian protocol and an expert in etiquette, says etiquette is something that could be paid more attention to in schools.

I wish schools would find time in every subject to teach appropriate behavior, respect, tolerance, and communication even in the online space, despite the busy curricula.

Ksenia Benedetti

I think that any teacher could weave this into any lesson – even in P.E., history, or mathematics.

Good manners means that you don’t whisper in the company of others, you don’t point at others, and you put your hand in front of your mouth when you yawn.

Of course, you shouldn’t rummage through other people’s bags, you shouldn’t use bad words, and you should behave respectfully towards the elderly by giving up your seat on the bus or holding the door.

But etiquette does not end there. For example, it is also important how you eat at the table – that you sit straight, don’t talk with your mouth full, and don’t wave your utensils.

Special rules of conduct exist even online. We call them netiquetteInternet etiquette.

Etiquette cannot be learned by heart because it consists of countless small rules and appropriate behavior.

You just have to accept it as part of your own behavior and everyday life.

Once you get a hang of it, you don’t even have to think about good manners anymore – it just becomes a habit!


Protocol is the official and social rules for mutual contacts between official representatives of countries.

Curriculum is a list of lessons in a subject for a course of study. (Curricula is the plural of curriculum.)

To rummage through a bag is to look quickly through it, and maybe make a mess.

Consequences are what happens afterwards – the effect, usually not something you want to happen.

Points to Consider

  1. Why is etiquette important?
  2. What could be the consequences of inappropriate behavior?
  3. Do you talk about etiquette in class?


The original version of this article was published on 22nd November.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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