Kotiček je primeren tudi za učitelje. V njem bodo našli veliko zamisli, kako pripraviti določene teme in vključiti učence v razprave. Vir: Adobe Stock
Kotiček je primeren tudi za učitelje. V njem bodo našli veliko zamisli, kako pripraviti določene teme in vključiti učence v razprave. Vir: Adobe Stock

Get to know the European Learning Corner

Do you use the Internet to study?

The European Commission has created a Learning Corner where you can learn about the European Union (EU) in detail.

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The Covid epidemic and resulting distance learning showed the need for online learning tools – including about the EU.

In the Learning Corner you can find free materials about the EU, videos, contests, games, and news.

You can also explore other important topics: climate, environment, culture, and history.

Let’s Discover Europe, for example, is a game for students aged 9 to 12. In it you choose whether you will be an astronaut or a historical character. You roll the dice and answer questions about culture, history, sports, and famous Europeans.

In the game European Union: What is it? you discover the peculiarities of the EU member states and fun facts about them. It is intended for kids 9 to 12 years old.

Source: Adobe Stock
Source: Adobe Stock

Our planet, our future is a website where children aged 9 to 15 can learn about science, what’s happening in the EU, and climate change. You can also learn how to fight against climate change.

Languages take you further ​​is a booklet to test yourself in all 24 official languages ​​of the EU. It’s fun! Languages ​​make our lives easier when we travel abroad and allow us to meet new friends and their cultures.

The last important tool is Spot and fight disinformation. This is a collection that teachers can use to help students identify false information.

Do you know why these tools are being introduced today?

Because on this very day 65 years ago, some European countries decided that they needed to connect more.

Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, France, and Germany signed the Treaty of Rome and began to create a common economy.

Two Erasmus+ logos and disclaimer

New members joined every year, and the European Union as we know it today was born.

Points to Consider

  1. Which game are you most interested in?
  2. Which EU tools do you know about already?
  3. How often do you use the Internet while studying?


The original version of this article was published on 25th March, 2022.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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