Pogrebne slovesnosti za kraljico Elizabeto II. je spremljalo pet milijard ljudi. Vir: Royal.uk
The funeral ceremony for Queen Elizabeth II was watched by five billion people. Source: Royal.uk

Funeral of the Century

Yesterday’s funeral, which some have already described as the “funeral of the century,” ended the long and rich life story of Queen Elizabeth II.

The era in which the late queen was a symbol of tradition and stability has ended. At the young age of 21, she made a promise to serve the British people. She kept that promise very dutifully for over 70 years.

There were long lines of mourners showing just how much Queen Elizabeth II meant to her people. In the days before the funeral, some people waited up to twelve hours to pay their respects in front of her coffin.

The hours-long funeral ceremony was watched by huge crowds of people on the streets of London.

The funeral was broadcasted live on television and radio as well as on the royal family’s YouTube channel.

Pogrebna slovesnost je potekala po natančno določenem postopku. Vir: Royal.uk
The funeral ceremony took place according to a precisely defined procedure. Source: Royal.uk 

Thus, people around the world could join in mourning for the longest-reigning British monarch.

As many as 500 representatives of countries and members of royal families from all over the world attended the funeral ceremony in Westminster Abbey. Slovenia was represented by the country’s president, Borut Pahor.

What awaits Great Britain now?

Definitely a return to solving the day-to-day problems that the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, has to deal with. In addition, there is another important ceremony waiting for her – the coronation of the new king.

Prince Charles was proclaimed King Charles III right after his mother’s death, but the coronation ceremony will take place only after the mourning period for the late queen is over.

The coronation date has not yet been set, but it will most likely be next spring or summer.

Points to Consider

  1. What do you know about Queen Elizabeth II?
  2. What are the most important qualities of a good king?
  3. Which other queens and kings do you know about?


The original version of this article was published on September 20th.

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Dobnikar Šeruga rada potuje po vsem svetu. Spoznava nove kraje in ljudi in se vedno znova razveseli spoznanja, da smo prebivalci tega planeta zelo različni in vendar povsem enaki.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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