At Časoris from the very beginning, we have believed that children are the heart of every community and the most important designers of the future.
That’s why tonight is very special.

Today we celebrate youth’s achievements in sports, arts, science, social engagement, and innovation.
For the seventh year in a row, Časoris has been selecting “faces of the month.” This year Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, will address the children.
At the National Gallery in Ljubljana tonight, all the children who have inspired us throughout the year and have earned the title of Časorisove face meseca (Face of the Month) will be honored.
The Faces of Časoris are the messengers of change, the bearers of new ideas, and the ones who show adults – again and again – how important it is to remain curious, courageous, and open.
Each of the stories is proof that our future is in good hands.
Why do we award all the Faces of the Month at Časoris? Why don’t we choose one Face of the Year from among them?
We believe that many children deserve recognition for their exceptionalism. Therefore, since the first year, we had decided that the selection of the Face of the Year would not be a competition in which the best one wins in the end.
Even limiting the selection to twelve Faces of the Month causes quite a few headaches. The selection commission includes Darja Groznik, the president of the ZPMS; Mateja Štirn, a psychologist from the ISA Institute; Primož Suhodolčan, a writer, Taja Zidanšek, the co-host of the event and high school student; and Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, the editor-in-chief of Časoris.

And who are the recipients of the 2024 Face of the Year award?
The first award went to December 2023’s Face of the Year.

Neža has been in contact with the disabled since she was a child because her mother works in this field. She wants people to view the disabled differently – without prejudice.

Tavi is a marine enthusiast. He feels most comfortable in large aquariums, and his knowledge of marine creatures is simply astonishing.

Tia and Aleksandra believe that the world will always need volunteers. They emphasize that we must be aware that we may need to help ourselves one day.

Zara is a talented singer who writes her own songs. She recently sang together with Matevž Šalehar, better known as Hamo, at a charity concert for the high school in Celje, Slovenia, Gimnazija Celje – Center.

Domen is a first-year student at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. Like any conscientious student and true artist, he is extremely busy and doesn’t have much free time outside of school.

Iris and Lea are girls who are not afraid of a challenge and encourage young people to be brave and bold. This is what led them to victory in the Popri competition.

Maša and her classmates took on a challenging Lego robotics project. They were persistent and dedicated, sweeping aside strong international competition at the open European championship.

Živa is dedicated to athletics and sacrifices her free time for excellent results. She realizes that with being an athlete comes perseverance, dedication, health, and many friends.

Lara is a brave girl who pursues her dreams in the circus. She wishes that adults would let children discover their own passion and follow their dreams.

Ema discovered chess during the coronavirus pandemic. She says that you can’t learn everything about chess, which is why it’s the best game.

Katja believes that adults should listen more to the ideas of young people. She is an active and dedicated volunteer and believes that good deeds are what count.

Martin decided to pursue aviation at the very young age of three. Today he is a student at the high school in Jesenice, Gimnazija Jesenice, and flies independently. But that’s not all he’s interested in!
Statements by members of the commission
This year’s event proves that children can lead and direct the conversation in any community – be it your family, school, or wider society. You don’t just have to follow the adults; on the contrary, we can learn a lot from you too. Be proud of yourself and your achievements and all that you have already or will contribute to a better future for all of us.
Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc
Due to the current information that must touch us, I think: how lucky our children are, and all of us too, to live in peace. May it stay that way! May children and young people be given the opportunity to develop their interests, hobbies – may they be happy and playful! I sincerely congratulate everyone. Keep your childish soul within you!
Darja Groznik
It gives me great pleasure to be part of this important project, which is an opportunity for good stories to be written and spread – stories about children, adolescents and young people who, in various ways, with commitment, courage, playfulness, curiosity, love of learning, care for their fellow human beings and the environment, develop their talents, realize their dreams, and contribute to the good of their communities and society. I congratulate all the children and young people who participated in the selection this year for their efforts, achievements and contributions. Thank you for inspiring us with your stories.
Mateja Štirn
As they say, life turns upside down, but a real face turns it around! Well, that’s not all! What about wisdom? Wisdom can explain a lot to you. However, that’s not all! What about courage and perseverance? Courage lifts you up, perseverance pushes you forward. But that’s not all! What if we add joy and laughter? We’re finally there! This is the real thing! A real face has all this and more!
That’s why Neža, Tavi Ray, Aleksandra, Tia, Zara, Domen, Iris, Lea, Maša, Živa, Lara, Ema, Katja, and Martin are not ordinary faces – these faces are something special!
Primoz Suhodolčan
For me, a real Faca is someone who has their heart in the right place, who knows how to help, love, fight for their dreams, and also spread joy among others.
This is someone who proves through their actions that perseverance, kindness and courage are the recipe for pushing boundaries. I am happy to be a part of this story that shows how much courage we young people have within us. These stories are proof that together we can create a better and more beautiful world.
Taja Zidanšek
Statement from a representative of Rokus Klett Publishing House
I am extremely proud to be sitting today among young people who are driven by something more in life, who dream and make their dreams come true, who dare and therefore go above and beyond, and who believe that every individual contributes to a better future.
Maruša Dejak, CEO
Statement by Andraž Kos, psychologist from the Ključ Society
Everyone who works makes mistakes, and you will too. But that doesn’t make you any less of a person or an expert. And here’s my advice: be kind to yourself. When you achieve something extraordinary, celebrate it.
Andraž Kos
Musical performance by Zara Kregar
Since the evening is entirely dedicated to the Faces of Časoris’, it is only right that the entertainment part of the program is enriched by their exceptional talents.
During the event, Zara Kregar, who was March’s Face of the Month for her singing, will perform on stage. She will be accompanied by guitarist Ožbej Vačovnik Kotnik.
She chose songs that match the youthful energy that will fill the National Gallery tonight.
She will sing Metulji (Butterfly) by the band Pliš, Mlade oči (Young Eyes) by Severa Gjurin (the song was originally sung by Ditka Haberl in 1973), and Če bi midva se kdaj srečala (If We Ever Met) by Vlada Kreslin.
What do you wish for the future?
The faces will also tell those present at the ceremony where they see themselves in the future and how the topic that earned them the face title will affect them.
Above all, they wish adults would listen more to young people and let them dream.
Heartfelt congratulations to all the winners of the Faca Leta 2024 award and the winner of the 2023 Face of the Year award!
Points to Consider
- Which Faca Leta winner impressed you the most, and why?
- Which talents do you have? (Everyone has one!)
- What can you do if you have an idea for an invention or something new?
The original version of this article was published on December 9th.