Učenje v paru ali majhni skupini pomaga pri boljšem razumevanju in pomnjenju učne snovi, pravi dr. Vanja Kiswarday. Vir: Adobe Stock
Vir: Adobe Stock

Even with dyslexia, you can be very successful in life

Dyslexia is a common learning disability.

It is a source of difficulty in reading aloud – such as stuttering and making mistakes. It can also be a hurdle in reading comprehension, writing, and math.

World Dyslexia Awareness Day is celebrated on October 6th, but activities are held all week from October 3rd — 9th.

“Dyslexia is not related to intelligence, laziness, or poor vision,” emphasizes Dr. Vanja Kiswarday from the Faculty of Education in Koper.

“Even with dyslexia, we can be very successful.”

How common is it?

dr. Vanja Kiswarday, koordinatorka programa Inkluzivna pedagogika pedagoške fakultete v Kopru
Dr. Vanja Kiswarday Vir: osebni arhiv

10-17 percent of people are dyslexic, so that means 2 or 3 students in a class of 20 on average have it.

It can be visual, which makes distinguishing similar letters difficult, or it can be auditory, which prohibits distinguishing similar sounds.

It is often hereditary. It is also lifelong, so we do not outgrow it.

However, it can be effectively overcome with adjustments along with appropriate teaching and learning approaches.

How can a child with dyslexia help himself to learn?

In order to learn successfully, a child should first identify his learning style — is it visual, auditory, or physical-motor?

Studying in a pair or small group helps with better understanding and memorization.

Additional professional help can be very beneficial in learning effective reading techniques and study strategies as well as how to organize time, space, and responsibilities.

Many famous actors, inventors, entrepreneurs, and writers have lived with dyslexia. For all of them, school was the hardest nut to crack.

Dyslexia — which encourages creativity, original problem solving, and good visualization to understand situations — has helped many to succeed.

Dr. Vanja Kiswarday

But what should other kids know so that they can better understand those who learn differently from them?

People with dyslexia are very interesting, and we can learn a lot from them.

In cooperation with them, we achieve more than we would without them.


Visualization is a visual presentation; rendering.

Points to Consider

  1. What are you good at?
  2. Do you know what “inclusive and special educators” do?
  3. Do you know about any device that helps with dyslexia?


The original version of this article was published on October 6th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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