After some stormy weather recently, this year’s third heat wave is starting!
Did you know that this year is likely to be the hottest year on record?
When it’s so hot you need to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and your pets.
NIJZ, the Slovene National Institute of Public Health, advises you to find shade in nature or a place to cool down. Go out only in the morning or evening. Eat easily-digestible food, dress appropriately, and drink enough water.
If you can master these rules, you can also follow them when taking care or pets.
The Slovene Food Safety, Veterinary, and Plant Protection Administration has written similar instructions for pet care. When it’s hot, all animals need:
- enough water,
- shade, and
- walks in the morning or evening (not in the middle of the day).
In addition to the above, pets also need a ventilated cool place.
Each animal species has adapted to high temperatures in its own way. The ones with short muzzles are most at risk.
Animals have a harder time dealing with heat than we do. Most feel best at a temperature between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius.
Their paws are extremely sensitive. Therefore, they should not be walked on hot asphalt.
When it is hot they should not be left in the car, in other closed spaces, or in the sun. We must keep them in the shade.

Animals that are in the sun can experience heat stroke. In this case, we have to move them to an airy space and shade, cool them with lukewarm water, and raise their heads.
In case of heat stroke, the vet should be called immediately.
Humans can also experience heat stroke.
Children up to the age of four and older than 65 are particularly sensitive.
A heat wave is a period of extremely hot weather, with high temperatures and no rain, that lasts for days or even weeks.
Heatstroke is a condition when the body’s temperature rises dangerously high. This happens due to long exposure to high temperatures, especially if not enough water is drunk.
Points to Consider
- How do you take care of yourself when it’s (too) hot?
- Why can heat be dangerous?
- Which animals cool themselves by sweating, and which cool themselves by panting?
The original version of this article was published on 9th July.