Po napadu na Donalda Trumpa je ameriški predsednik Joe Biden poudaril, da politika ne sme biti bojišče in prostor za ubijanje. Prav tako se ne glede na svoja stališča ne smemo spustiti v nasilje. Vir: Profimedia
Po napadu na Donalda Trumpa je ameriški predsednik Joe Biden poudaril, da politika ne sme biti bojišče in prostor za ubijanje. Prav tako se ne glede na svoja stališča ne smemo spustiti v nasilje. Vir: Profimedia

Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt – now what?

The world was shocked by the footage of the attempted assassination of the US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Shots rang out during his appearance at a pre-election rally.

A bullet grazed Trump’s ear, and then he was surrounded by security.

Before they left the stage and took him to the hospital, he clenched his fist and mouthed, “Fight. Fight. Fight.”

The photo immediately became iconic.

The suspect of the shooting is 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was killed by snipers immediately afterward.

One attendee at the rally died and two others were seriously injured.

The shooter fired from the roof of a nearby building, which was not secured by the Secret Service. Witnesses spotted him and alerted the police.

Investigators are still determining what went wrong.

The event is condemned by domestic and foreign politicians. Global leaders agree that such violence does not belong in democracy.

US President and Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden, emphasized that violence is never a solution.

Slovenia’s president, Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar, also responded:

Trump’s wife Melania, who is from Sloveniawrote that Americans must unite despite their differences.

Trump is feeling well and has already attended the Republican convention, which will last until Thursday.

In the past, four US presidents and many candidates for this position have been assassinated. There have been many assassination attempts as well.


An assassination is an attack on a leading figure, usually for political reasons.

Iconic means symbolic representation.

A sniper is specially trained to shoot with a sniper rifle, which is designed to shoot accurately at long distances.

A conspiracy is a secret plan to do something against the law or harmful, in some cases – to remove a holder of power.

Points to Consider

  1. How do we express our opinions if we disagree with someone in politics?
  2. Why is violence never acceptable?
  3. How will this event affect the election?

For Parents and Teachers

How to talk about violence


The original version of this article was published on 16th July.

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Hanžič je novinarka, ki jo ob spremljanju vsakodnevnega dogajanja najbolj veselijo druženje s prijatelji, potovanja in sprehodi v naravo.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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