Klic na 112 po potrebi preusmerijo zdravstvenim dispečerjem. Vir: arhiv dispečerske službe
Klic na 112 po potrebi preusmerijo zdravstvenim dispečerjem. Vir: arhiv dispečerske službe

Do you know how to help and when to call 112?

These days we are celebrating resuscitation day, or WRAH – World Restart A Heart day, which is held annually on October 16th.

Lucija Ašič, from the Health Dispatch Service, explains what children should know about this.

Ekipa dispečerjev. Vir: Arhiv dispečerske službe
Among other things, dispatchers advise parents not to scare their children that the police will arrest them if they are not well-behaved or that the ambulance will take them away if they get sick. Source: Archives of the Dispatch Service

Can children also help with resuscitation?

Of course, everyone can help.

Lucija Ašič. Vir: osebni arhiv
Lucija Asič. Source: personal archive

In the case of cardiac arrest when CPR is required, it is crucial to start CPR as soon as possible.

If your children notice a person who is unresponsive, call for help. If you have a mobile phone, you can call 112.

An AED – Automatic External Defibrillator – is also important to help in case of cardiac arrest.

This delivers an electric shock that can help restart the heart, significantly improving the chances of survival.

That’s why it’s great if children and their parents take a look in their hometown to see where they can find an AED and understand how it works.

Dispečer med sprejemanjem klica. Vir: Arhiv dispečerske službe
The dispatcher may also ask you for the first and last name of your parents or grandparents, where they work and what school you go to. Source: Archives of the Dispatch Service

What do children need to know about the number 112? When should they call it?

The number 112 is the emergency telephone number.

Call it when you need urgent medical help; when life is at risk.

What should they say when they call?

The medical dispatcher will want to know:

  • the address of the place where emergency medical assistance is required,
  • a telephone number to which they can call back if the connection is lost,
  • who is calling,
  • who needs help, and
  • what happened.

The dispatcher will then pass on the information to the emergency medical assistance team (paramedics), while staying on the line with the caller and telling the caller how to help until the paramedics arrive. 


A dispatcher is an employee who directs drivers from a central location; dispatches.

Points to Consider

  1. Do you know another important number?
  2. Who else helps people in need?
  3. Why should parents not scare their children about the police?


The original version of this article was published on October 14th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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