Razstava bo na Trgu republike na ogled do 17. julija. Foto: Božidar Kolar/STA
Razstava bo na Trgu republike na ogled do 17. julija. Foto: Božidar Kolar/STA

Cute colorful giants call for friendship and tolerance

Trg Republike, a main square in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was taken over by big colorful bears.


Ljubljana letos gosti potujoco razstavo United Buddy Bears. Pisani medvedi, ki stojijo na Trgu republike pozivajo k prijateljstvu in miru. #unitedbuddybears #medvedi #razstava #strpnost #prijateljstvo #mir #trgrepublike #novice #news #casoris

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What happened?

As many as 145 two-meter bears with raised arms spread friendship and goodwill among the countries they represent.

Their story goes back to 2001, when they launched an initiative in Berlin, Germany, to help develop street art.

A year later, artists from all over the world created a circle of United Buddy Bears there.

This encouraged people to think about international understanding and peaceful coexistence.

At that time, the ambassadors of different countries invited artists to paint the two-meter bears.

With this, they have become a reflection of the cultural diversity of our world.

In 2004 the colorful group went on a tour around the world, and this year they are visiting Slovenia.

A newly created Slovenian bear, painted by the young artist Luka Rep, is hidden among them. He was chosen through a public competition.

Slovenian bear. Photo: Božidar Kolar/STA
Slovenian bear. Photo: Božidar Kolar/STA

It is painted in the colors of the Slovenian flag, but blue dominates.

It depicts people who have shaped Slovenian cultural history.

In the painting you can find Ivan CankarJože PlečnikPrimož TrubarFrance Prešeren, and others.

The cute bears occupied the space in front of the parliament as early as May 29th, and you can see them until July 17th.


An ambassador is the highest diplomatic representative of a country in a foreign country.

Points to Consider

  1. Which bear do you like the most?
  2. Do you know any other project that spreads similar values?
  3. How important is street art?


The original version of this article was published on 21st June.

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je novinarka in mama dveh odraščajočih deklet, ki svoj prosti čas najraje nameni športu. Rada ima sneg, še raje valove, najraje pa pleza nekje v naravi.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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