Praznični december poleg ostalih radosti prinaša tudi številne božične sejme! Vir: Adobe Stock
Praznični december poleg ostalih radosti prinaša tudi številne božične sejme! Vir: Adobe Stock

Christmas fairs in Slovenia come to life with light up night

The lights are finally on!

With light-up nights come a festive atmosphere!

They were already glowing yesterday.

The residents of Maribor are particularly proud of their environmentally friendly Christmas fair this year. It was ranked second among the most sustainable fairs of its kind in Europe.

In fourth place is the holiday fair in Ljubljana, where they are still waiting for the lights to turn on.

The people of Ljubljana chose the name to pay tribute to the late humanitarian Anita Ogulin.

Along with 50 kilometers of lights winding through the streets, the tree will start to shine after five o’clock today.

If you’re heading to the city center, don’t forget to visit the life-size straw manger that stands along the Ljubljanica River (Gallus Embankment).

In the category of “European cities with up to 100,000 inhabitants,” it earned the title of European Christmas City 2025.

Christmas fair in Celje. Photo: Matej Vranič (slovenia.info)
Celje Christmas Fair. Photo: Matej Vranič (slovenia.info)

There, too, they are already diligently warming up for the lighting of the lights, which will be tomorrow afternoon.

Over the next week, the lights will be turned on in all major Slovenian cities.

Of course, it will not be happy only in the cities. Smaller places have a special charm during the holidays.

Even though it’s not yet December, Merry December is officially open.

Alpine village in Kranjska Gora. Photo: Matej Vranič (slovenia.info)
Alpine village in Kranjska Gora. Photo: Matej Vranič (slovenia.info)

Now you can calmly put up the Christmas tree and wait patiently next to it. The good three men are already on their way…


Sustainable is long-term sustainable, balanced and friendly to the environment, society, and the economy.

Points to Consider

  1. When do you usually put up your Christmas tree?
  2. Which Christmas market are you planning to visit?
  3. Who are the three good men?


The original version of this article was published on November 29th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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