Vir: Evropski parlament.
Credit: European Parliament

Choose your future

A month before the European elections that will be held in Slovenia on 26 May, the pre-election campaign began.

All those who will run to become Members of the European Parliament can begin to encourage voters to vote for them.

They can do this by having public events, posters and ads. More and more voters are also getting information from social networks.

The following parties have already submitted their lists [of candidates] The Slovenian National Party, the Good State, the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Slovenian People’s Party, the Alenka Bratušek Party, Nova Slovenija – Christian Democrats (NSi), the Social Democrats, DOM – the Homeland League, the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS), the List of Marijana Šarec, the Movement of the United Slovenia , Modern Centre Party (SMC), Connect and Levica (the Left).

The deadline for filing the candidates’ papers expires at midnight tonight.

Participation in the elections for the European Parliament is also being promoted. A short film has been prepared, Choose Your Future(the film is in English, but it has Slovenian subtitles that you can turn on in the settings). It encourages viewers to reflect on the fact that future generations will feel the consequences of these elections.

What will be the image of Europe in the future? The decision is in the hands of those who will go to the polls at the end of May.

According to a Eurobarometer survey, about a third of EU citizens (35 percent) are certain that they will vote in May, with a third being still undecided (32 percent).

Among young people with voting rights, despite the most in favour of the EU (75 percent), only 21 percent said they would definitely go to the polls. Thirty-four percent are still undecided, the European Parliament office in Slovenia said.

Points to Consider

  1. Why it is important to attend elections?
  2. What would you ask your candidates?
  3. What are the advantages of EU?


The original version of this article was published on April 23rd.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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