Umetna inteligenca zmore marsikaj, a ima pred sabo še številne varnostne in etične izzive. Vir: Adobe Stock
Umetna inteligenca zmore marsikaj, a ima pred sabo še številne varnostne in etične izzive. Vir: Adobe Stock

ChatGPT’s biggest competition is coming: Gemini

Do you know about ChatGPT? Have you used it?

ChatGPT’s newest rival was announced on Wednesday: Google unveiled Gemini.

This is a model of artificial intelligence that is said to be even more powerful than the previous chatbots.

Gemini is multimodal – this means that it focuses on several areas or media: text, image, sound, video, and software coding.

Its advantage, therefore, is that it can also understand audio and video commands, not just written prompts.

You can see what it can do in the video above.

Many agree that it is the most advanced model of artificial intelligence yet, but it still has many problems.

So, for now, Gemini will be tested further, and its use will be restricted. Also, certain protective measures will be installed in cooperation with governments and experts.

They want to prevent the risks that artificial intelligence can bring.

Alexei Efros, a UC Berkeley professor and expert on the visual capabilities of artificial intelligence

Gemini will be available in three versions: Nano, Pro, and Ultra. The first will be available for mobile devices.


Rival is competition – something striving to be better than something else with a higher quality or lower price of products and/or service.

Chatbots are a computer program designed to simulate conversation with humans.

Coding is a method that enables communication between humans and machines.

Prompts are questions or statements humans ask chatbots to generate answers.

To hallucinate means to have perceptions produced by brain or mental disorders; but in a technological context, it means making up wrong answers.

ChatGPT-4 is the latest version of ChatGPT.

Points to Consider

  1. What kind of things can chatbots like these help you with?
  2. What kind of dangers are related to artificial intelligence?
  3. Why is it good to admit if we don’t know something?


The original version of this article was published on 9th December.

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