Globoke ponaredke je vedno težje prepoznati. Vir: Adobe Stock
Globoke ponaredke je vedno težje prepoznati. Vir: Adobe Stock

Can you recognize deepfakes?

You probably already know what artificial intelligence can do.

Can you recognize it when you see it?

The image of a certain person is replaced with the image of someone else in deepfakes.

In a photograph or even a recording, a person is shown in a situation they have never been in and may make statements they have never made.

Artificial intelligence is advancing and producing increasingly convincing results, even those that cannot be recognized as artificially created.

This will automatically verify the authenticity of the recordings and thus prevent any unwanted consequences they may have.

Deepfakes can be created by almost anyone with a computer and special software, explains project leader Dr. Peter Peer from the Slovene Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics.

It is worrying that there are so many different ways to create deepfakes, and new ways are constantly emerging.

But it’s not just artificial intelligence that’s constantly evolving. The technologies for recognizing it are also getting better and better.

A new tool called Razkrinkaj.ai, developed by the Danes je nov dan (Today is a new day), a Slovene Institute, can help you identify them.

It helps you understand how artificial intelligence works and how to recognize AI-created content.

So you can more easily uncover scams and manipulations, which are common online.


Authenticity is the quality of not being altered or changed; is being original.

Manipulation is influencing, altering, or changing something to achieve a desired result.

Points to Consider

  1. How can you recognize content created by artificial intelligence?
  2. When can artificial intelligence be harmful?
  3. Do you use AI? If so, for what?


The original version of this article was published on January 9th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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